彩華 w Nagoya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒461-0001 Aichi, Nagoya, Higashi Ward, Izumi, 1-chōme−14−23, White Mates, 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 52-951-0663
strona internetowej: nagoya-saika.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1753922, Longitude: 136.9087119

komentarze 5

  • D F

    D F


    This restaurant has a reputation for delicious Dandan noodles in this area. When I visited at noon, it was quite crowded. There was a seat available at the right time and we were seated. I ordered the spicy black sesame tandan noodles from the lunch menu. There was also a choice of rice or soup, but I ended up choosing soup even though it was dandan noodles with soup. First, a plate of appetizers and salad. Soon, soup and black sesame dandan noodles. Delicious tandan noodles with a strong sesame flavor. It has a sharp spiciness that makes it popular. If you like Dandan noodles, we recommend you try it.

  • しーま



    2023.12 Last time I visited, it was fully booked with only reservations. I couldn't even enter the store. When I took revenge, I entered the store easily this time. ・Dandan noodles It was delicious with just the right amount of spiciness, sesame flavor, and lots of toppings. The appetizers are not the usual appetizers that just have green leaves, but they are all made with a little extra effort. It gets very crowded during lunch, so if you really want to go, I recommend making a reservation. Apparently the fried rice with ankake sauce was delicious too!

  • まめまめ(おまめ)



    The quantity is large and the taste is great! ! This is my favorite shop 😊♡! The shark fin is also big and amazing Peking duck, dandan noodles, and almond tofu are so delicious! ! I visit Ayaka every year at the event♡

  • Takuji Hasegawa

    Takuji Hasegawa


    I finally visited a store that I had always wanted to visit. Not only the Dandan noodles but also the appetizers were delicious.

  • Mina Sato

    Mina Sato


    Even though it was lunch time, the place was fully booked. My co-worker was really pushing cold dandan noodles, so I ordered it. was delicious! Lunch of appetizer, main course and dessert. You can also choose one from rice, porridge, or soup. I ordered rice and had meat miso on top, but I also recommend porridge! I will go again ♫

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