MENYA KAIKO en Chitose




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987 Bibi, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 123-45-8787
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Latitude: 42.7879305, Longitude: 141.680295

comentarios 5

  • タヌキタロウ



    I ordered green onion ramen with white miso. First of all, I guess the rice bowl is slow to arrive. It took about 10 minutes. I ordered white miso as it was recommended. The soup was a bit lacking, and the shinachiku was not good either. However, the char siu was delicious, so I knew that Tokachi pork was my favorite. The customer service is not good so I don't think I will go again! Thank you for the meal.

  • 金子利昭



    This is a shop inside the Ramen Dojo. I've eaten here and there, but this was my first visit. Since it's Tokachi, I'm a fan of Tokachi pork. We will have miso ramen with pork bowl as the main dish. There was a set menu that just so happened to come with a mini pork bowl, so I ordered that. It seems that you can choose between white miso and red miso, but I don't know which one is better even though I'm told which one. When I asked my sister which one was better, she recommended white miso. I made it with white miso. Pork bowl. Apparently they use whey pork. Since it was a thin slice, I couldn't really taste the meat, but the sauce was sweet and rich, and it was so delicious that it could even be used as a sauce bowl, so I'll pass it on. ramen. Miso is light, mellow, and delicious. The noodles are not the so-called Nishiyama type. It's a little hard and slippery, and doesn't hold the soup very well. But it was just delicious. I stopped trying because the individual gyoza was expensive at 500 yen.

  • ThianYong Chan

    ThianYong Chan


    You will not go wrong with any of the ramen stall here. Typical ramen with high standard as of all other stalls here. Recommend the (no.1) Tokachikawa pork + miso ramen combi. Pork is nice, ramen is springy, the soup is miso soup. There is ramen and rice combi if you are a big eater. Avoid crowd during lunch. You can come slightly earlier, say 11am or slightly later, say 1.30pm..

  • Jun Jie Yam

    Jun Jie Yam


    I really liked the ramen here. Ate the Pork Ramen and it tasted really good. Only thing is that it was too salty.

  • bpasu ​ (Enlightened)

    bpasu ​ (Enlightened)


    Have a distinguish flavor but too salty.

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