MaxValu Onoda en Sanyoonoda

JapónMaxValu Onoda



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784 Higashitakatomari, Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi 756-0088, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 836-81-4717
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.0137651, Longitude: 131.1827184

comentarios 5

  • a d

    a d


    The self-checkout cashier didn't really say thank you. It's not like I was doing other work or didn't notice the customers. The customer service staff just stand there or look down, as if it is natural for them to buy something.

  • 20 00

    20 00


    Maybe they were bored, but the other cash registers were lined up and the male clerks were busy, but the two female clerks were leaning their butts on the soccer table and chatting. A female clerk with no morals. I briefly checked the name tag, but I think it was Hamamatsu-san. It's better to work hard.

  • 川上晶代



    Due to road expansion, the road to and from the area was congested. Inside the store, the display was on display after 9 o'clock, making it very difficult to see. I heard from a friend that the Tuesday market is cheap, so I was eager to go there in the morning, but to my surprise, it wasn't cheap. Maybe just normal? The inside of the store was bright and clean. There was only one person at the cash register, and only self-service customers, so elderly people were lining up (>_

  • Joe Hobo

    Joe Hobo


    Beers cheap

  • BH Park

    BH Park


    Rent a car and get the most familiar max value in Japan. The parking lot is really spacious and of course free. Instead, when you come by car, enter the phone number from Google Maps into the navigation and it will guide you to the back of the building, so you need to be careful about this. The store is quite spacious and has everything you need. However, I remember that there was no unmanned checkout counter considering the size. Usually, when you grow up, there is an unmanned checkout... Anyway... All Japanese supermarkets are similar, but I think it's better than ours to have separate tables for takeout. In Korea, you have to put your food in a shopping bag or shopping bag right at the checkout counter, so it's a bit inconvenient if it overlaps with the person behind you or in front of you, but this place has a table just for takeout, so I think this is a bit better. Of course, the land is small for me... hahahahahaha Large size supermarket. The parking lot is also big. But there are no auto casher machines.

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