Maruki Jinde en Sanyoonoda

JapónMaruki Jinde



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒756-0057 Yamaguchi, Sanyoonoda, Nishitakatomari, 神田前581−1
contactos teléfono: +81 836-84-7080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.0105293, Longitude: 131.1701663

comentarios 5

  • すぎボンバー



    I used it often when I lived there before.

  • リリワンコノ助



    There was an incredible clerk. At the time of checkout, when I said, "I'd like two plastic bags, please," they just ignored me and didn't say anything. I thought he hadn't heard me, so I asked him again, but he grabbed the plastic bag with great force and yelled, "I put it in! I put it in!" while glaring at me and putting it in the shopping cart. What the hell is that? I guess Maruki is a company that naturally hires people like this. I will never go there again.

  • こぼちゃん



    The parking lot is easy to access and can be accessed from various directions.

  • laT4S



    It is a lifeline for surrounding university students. It is used by surrounding residents. However, the prices are not that cheap, and even general food items seem expensive. Fresh food is also not particularly fresh. I feel like I'm using it because it's nearby.

  • シマコ



    This store is the closest to our headquarters. This is a place where there have been many customers for a long time. They have a good selection of products and are very useful.

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