Aruk en Sanyoonoda




🕗 horarios

9-2 Minatomachi, Sanyoonoda, Yamaguchi 756-0834, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 836-81-0909
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.9733668, Longitude: 131.1761242

comentarios 5

  • カズ



    I'm a regular here and always shop here. The customer service at the cash register is good and the items are cheap, but Customer common sense and manners are no good! Touching many pork packs at the meat corner Customers who don't buy, leave the mess and run away Customers throwing away cigarette butts in the parking lot In the disabled parking lot, even if you are not disabled or pregnant There were people who didn't have it! People who really wanted to use it couldn't use it!

  • 北村幸二(きすけ)



    This is a community-based supermarket, so you can find most things.

  • 原田裕子



    The supermarket is within a 5-minute walk, so it's convenient. There are a variety of vegetables available in small portions, and fish can be purchased from just one fish, so it is often used even by one person. There are also products that are only available at ALC, so even if I shop elsewhere, I often end up stopping by 👍

  • 倉橋T



    The core of the apple I bought was moldy. I contacted them as it seemed to happen by chance, and they were very thorough in their follow-up. Since I couldn't tell from the outside, I felt embarrassed that I didn't have to apologize so politely. You can understand the store's thinking by how they handle the inevitable mistakes. Thank you for your kind response.

  • Y Y

    Y Y


    September 2018 I used it on a business trip to Yamaguchi Prefecture.

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