Matsui Dental Clinic en Utsunomiya

JapónMatsui Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

228-1 Yaitamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0112, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-656-4618
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5223158, Longitude: 139.8931573

comentarios 5

  • 近憲



    A place that listens to and takes into consideration the treatment that patients want.

  • kzs t

    kzs t


    I used to go here a long time ago (when I was in high school), and right after I was given anesthesia to have my wisdom teeth removed, the doctor asked me if I was a dental assistant? There was a time when I started getting angry and retreated somewhere and was left alone for a few minutes. Now that I think about it, it was a lot of power harassment, and even though he was dealing with a child, he was too harsh on him. Even though he has such an arrogant attitude, why is his Google rating so good? I thought and evaluated it.

  • W GN

    W GN


    Over 10 years ago, I had my chipped front tooth repaired. Only the tip of my front tooth was chipped, and at other dental clinics, they just put a repair material on the tip of the tooth and it came off right away. I had given up, but the doctor asked, ``Would you like me to fix it?'' He proceeded to reshape the entire tooth, not just the tip, but by applying repair material to the entire tooth. It's been about 15 years since then, and the edges of the repair agent have become discolored, but the shape is still beautiful. Since I have left Utsunomiya, I will no longer be able to take care of you, but I am truly grateful for this.

  • よいこのまま



    He gave me only the necessary treatment based on convincing explanations.

  • Yutaka Hasegawa

    Yutaka Hasegawa


    First, we took thorough images (including CT scans) to confirm the condition, and then explained the treatment method. The hospital director's explanations are easy to understand and the treatment is efficient. The explanation and treatment provided by the assistant beforehand was also very good.

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