Matsuhama Hospital i Niigata

JapanMatsuhama Hospital



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3396番地 Matsuhamachō, Kita Ward, Niigata, 950-3112, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-259-3241
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Latitude: 37.955177, Longitude: 139.154412

kommentar 5

  • せな



    It was my first time seeing a psychiatrist and I was scared from the appointment, but she was so kind and listened to me and said, ``Yeah, yeah'', which made me happy. I felt like I was becoming depressed due to adjustment disorder. The receptionist and nurses were all very kind, and I proceeded by conveying what I had discussed with the caseworker to the doctor in my medical records. I'm glad that my symptoms weren't too severe, as I was worried about not being able to get medication. I can't deny that it's a little inconvenient to go to the hospital because I only see it on weekdays, but thanks to the kindness of the doctor in charge during my first visit, I think I'll be able to do my best.

  • M T

    M T


    My sister committed suicide at the hospital here. I died using the laces of my pants and shoes. They don't take care of your belongings. The nurses didn't even come close to my sister. It won't save your life. I can't forgive you even if you apologize.

  • 灼


    I am one of the people who has been hospitalized here. I don't want to give even one star, but this review is just a review from the nurse who worked with me. Without the nurses, this hospital wouldn't be able to operate, and I felt exhausted by the way they interacted with me. The moment I arrived at the hospital, the doctor in charge, who was probably in his 70s, told me, ``Yes, you should be restrained,'' and then told me that he had no IC, and was told that he would be in diapers and on an IV drip for about four days. Impossible... My mother was contacted and apparently a nurse told her, ``They restrained me because I got violent,'' but she seemed suspicious. When he was interviewed by two different psychiatrists, they heard that he was calm and did not rebel, so they were quite surprised. Actually, I wasn't acting violent, but I just asked the doctor in charge, ``What condition am I in right now?'' and ``Specifically about the treatment plan.'' But he didn't listen to me... He looked like ``I have a troublesome patient.'' I remember being asked that question lol. I wonder what it means that I can't answer...The medical certificate arrived later, but it was appropriate. There were various circumstances around that, so it was helpful. At first, I was told that I would only need a diaper, and then I said, ``I'll be fine.'' After a few minutes of wearing the diaper, I was stunned when the nurse suddenly told me that she would be using a urinary catheter. I will do my best to refuse and get away with it. I haven't heard a lot of things, I don't agree with them and I can't keep up with them, what is this... I kept administering intravenous drips that were supposed to have a sedative effect, but they didn't work, prescribed pills, restricted fluids even when I was thirsty...During my detention, I didn't eat and lived in IV diapers...While I was in hell instead of treatment, I cheerfully greeted the doctor in charge. The interview is over... What did you come here for, psycho? Why are you a psychiatrist? Are you willing to save people? ...anger reaches boiling point... Stress peaks the moment the IV is removed. Due to repeated insomnia and mental exhaustion, it seems that even the Cyrace drip is rejected. If I couldn't sleep and went crazy, I would be detained again...I calmly replaced it with the medical information of my current doctor whom I trust, and the information came to me in my head, and I started by telling the nurse what I wanted to know. The doctor in charge doesn't come every day. I didn't even ask, ``How are you feeling today?'' I just said ``Yeah, yeah.'' That's all. What did you come here for? Apparently, he didn't know about the memo he gave to the nurse. Is it because they have poor eyesight, lack of motivation, or lack of communication?In other words, I could see a lack of cooperation. I stopped the doctor and had him write a note on a blank piece of paper. I made him write it. If I don't, I'll forget easily and the prescription won't even change.I won't stop being irritated, but if I don't stay calm, I'll get certified as ``excited.'' Why do amateurs have to explain to people who have graduated from medical school...I tried to cut a contraindicated drug in half, but when I stopped it, it was ``ok'' → ``It still didn't work!'' Is it removed? I don't want to get close unless I have nothing but distrust and don't want to be hospitalized again. It's too scary... Even the documents were poorly managed, and even the receptionist sent the corona vaccination tickets somewhere after being discharged from the hospital, so there was no trust. First of all, I had never even heard of vaccination. Is this hospital okay? The reason I was able to shorten my hospital stay by more than half by one month was because the nurses who supported and encouraged me actively communicated with me. Thank you very much for your help. It is no exaggeration to say that I regained my composure through the careful care of nurses rather than doctors. I don't think there should be ``treatment that is supposed to save your life but makes you want to die,'' but I leave it up to the individual to decide whether or not to go to the hospital. I hope there are other diligent doctors on staff. Basically, I cannot trust a psychiatrist who cannot give a concerta. Only old medicines are given. DSMWhen was the treatment used? Personally, I hope that there will be more psychiatrists in this area like my primary physician, who are willing to actively participate in academic conferences, lectures, and study sessions, and who are passionate about helping patients. It looks like you can file an objection at the Nantoka Center, but I'm sorry for the review here because I judged that I couldn't even trust those people. Because I don't want to be ate. After that, I went to the usual hospital. The status is different.

  • にあ



    Although it's not my first visit, I no longer have to wait more than an hour at the internal medicine clinic, and I feel like the time from reception to checkout has become shorter. Thanks to this, I feel mentally more accessible than before.

  • tree fall

    tree fall


    A family member was suffering from mental illness and his behavior was becoming uncontrollable, but since this was the first time he had experienced something like this, the whole family was at a loss as they didn't know what to do. When I consulted the Mental Health Center and contacted this hospital that was on the list of hospitals that were introduced to me, I was able to see them right away, even though I think there were many other patients who had reservations. Ta. I tricked a relative into taking me there, and when I went to see a doctor, I was told that I needed to be hospitalized immediately, so I was admitted. At that moment, my entire family felt truly saved. I don't know what will happen next, but thanks to you, my life is back to normal for now. I think it's important to consult someone if you have any problems.

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