Niigataueno Clinic Clinics i Niigata

JapanNiigataueno Clinic Clinics



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Japan, 〒950-0086 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Hanazono, 1-chōme−3−2 IMAビル Ⅱ6階
kontakter telefon: +81 25-241-4000
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Latitude: 37.9134547, Longitude: 139.062569

kommentar 5

  • BKH JH

    BKH JH


    I am writing this because it has been a year since my surgery. I went to see a doctor because my skin broke several times due to phimosis. The staff and teachers are very kind, listen to what you have to say, and respond very well. Even after the surgery, when I felt anxious, they were very responsive to emails and phone calls, and they were really helpful, offering free consultations and medication. I had an expensive surgery to improve my appearance, but I don't regret it at all. In fact, I am filled with gratitude. It's been a year now, but my symptoms are stable and I don't have any particular symptoms. If you are worried about phimosis, we also offer free counseling, so I think it would be a good idea to go for a consultation.

  • ぶん珍



    It cost about 400,000 yen, but the result was 100% perfect! I was in pain and anxious for a week after the surgery, but within 2 months I became a handsome man and was very satisfied.

  • 佐藤練



    I went there for a free counseling session around February of this year, and the staff member, Mr. Asano, was very friendly and explained things in an easy-to-understand manner. I once made an appointment for revision surgery, but I had to cancel because I was busy changing jobs, but I plan to make another appointment and have revision surgery when I have time. Thank you for your understanding at that time.

  • 真一内山



    Everyone tends to be nervous at first and think it takes courage to enter, but at Ueno Clinic Niigata, as soon as you exit the elevator, you will arrive at the front desk on the Ueno Clinic floor and be greeted by cheerful staff. Very friendly. The explanations during counseling are detailed and easy to understand, and the palpation diagnosis provided by the doctor is appropriate, thorough, and easy to understand. You can feel at ease because you can feel free to discuss your concerns. After listening to the explanation and paying the bill, I head out for treatment. The treatment is with local anesthesia, but after the patient gradually gets used to the anesthesia by applying anesthesia tape from below the rod, the treatment is performed by administering anesthesia with a very fine injection needle inside the rod. Although it varies from person to person, there is no pain during the treatment. Ueno Clinic Niigata is very trustworthy because they sincerely respond to the problems you are having and suggest treatments that are commensurate with those problems. The director of Ueno Clinic in Niigata is Dr. Kawamura, who was selected from Ueno Clinics nationwide, and I think he is very skilled. In addition, the staff is well-trained, and the clinic is very clean and designed with privacy in mind. It seems that most Japanese people are suffering from anxiety, but if you have any concerns, feel free to get some counseling. Reservations are required. If you are interested, please make a reservation by phone or online.

  • 大石龍



    I decided to give them a try because they offer free consultations over the phone 24 hours a day. I thought he would respond mechanically, but he was very friendly and offered advice. I didn't really talk to anyone about my problems because I was worried about them, but I felt relieved when I saw how earnestly they listened to me, and I was able to trust them with my concerns. As expected from a major company, the treatments and customer service are thorough and there is nothing to complain about.

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