Niigata University Medical & Dental Hospital i Niigata

JapanNiigata University Medical & Dental Hospital


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1 Banchō-754 Asahimachidōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8520, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-223-6161
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9193741, Longitude: 139.0354263

kommentar 5

  • 蘭太郎



    This hospital has the best medical technology and excellent facilities in Niigata Prefecture. I myself was referred to another hospital because I was told that my condition could not be treated or cured. It was a very difficult surgery that involved making a hole in the skull and touching the brain directly, but it was a success and I am very grateful. Although it is far from the station, there is a large parking lot and a bus stop with a waiting room, making it easy to access even after leaving the hospital. There is also a convenience store and cafe attached, so even if you arrive earlier than your reservation, you don't have to waste time. With so many hospitals, it can't be helped that it gets crowded.

  • kensyo



    It's a big hit or miss depending on the doctor. The older male doctors are arrogant, have a harsh tone, and often give the impression that they don't care about their patients. The young male and female doctors were more polite and considerate, and I was able to trust them.




    I am a wheelchair user. Reviews vary, but for me, this is the hospital that saved my life when the hospital I usually go to was deemed incapable of treatment. The following methods of access from Niigata Station are available for wheelchair users. scheduled bus For wheelchair users like me who don't use a private car, the most appropriate (low cost) means of transportation from Niigata Station is the Niigata Kotsu bus. However, although all vehicles are thought to be wheelchair accessible, there may be some that are not, so please check in advance. Access by Niigata Kotsu bus is as follows. Outbound: "Niigata Station" Platform 1 (Niigata Station Bus Terminal) C80 Shindai Hospital Line Niigata University Hospital ⇒ "Niigata University Hospital" (Outpatient Entrance Terminal) Estimated travel time approximately 15 minutes Return trip: "Niigata University Hospital" bus stop 2 (in front of the outpatient entrance terminal/amenity mall "bus waiting room") C80 Shindai Hospital Line bound for Niigata Station ⇒ "Niigata Station" (Niigata Station bus terminal drop-off area) Estimated time required: approximately 20 minutes Since the University Hospital is near Niigata City Hall, it is also possible to access it by bus, including BRT (articulated bus), that stops at Shiyakusho-mae, but the journey from the Shiyakusho-mae bus stop to the University Hospital (distance of about 300 meters) is uphill. It's a hill, so be careful if you're using a manual wheelchair alone. taxi There are almost no UD (universal design) taxis in Niigata City waiting for customers or in front of the outpatient entrance, so if you suddenly need one, you will need a sedan-type taxi. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer from the wheelchair and load the wheelchair into the vehicle (it may not be possible to ride a wheelchair that is not foldable or heavy). Personally, I encourage people to arrange their own nursing care (welfare) taxis or UD taxis. My car There is a paid parking lot next to the rotary in front of the outpatient entrance, including parking spaces (for 10 or more cars) with the international symbol mark (commonly known as the wheelchair mark). There is a sign in the parking lot that says ``Wheelchair accessible,'' but on the hospital's official website it is called ``P for the disabled.'' There is no charge for up to 60 minutes when visiting the hospital for a medical examination, and up to 30 minutes for visiting the hospital, after which charges apply.

  • コバちゃん



    For about 3 months, I went to the hospital, was hospitalized, and underwent surgery. I am truly grateful to the breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, outpatient nurses, and ward nurses for their help. m(_ _)m The local medical institution did not have a plastic surgery department, so I was referred to Shin University Hospital for treatment. At first, I thought a university hospital was a scary place, but I'm grateful to everyone for being so kind to me 😊 The nurses, teachers, and hospital workers who run around every day must have a tough job, but they care about their bodies. please take care of yourself.

  • Bozxii tikleng

    Bozxii tikleng


    verygood doctor

nærmeste Hospital

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