marukyo @ Shimoyamato i Fukuoka

Japanmarukyo @ Shimoyamato



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-1-28 Kamiyamato, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka, 819-0054, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-881-8353
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5753697, Longitude: 130.3047593

kommentar 5

  • Touzin



    This is a supermarket located in the Shimosanmon housing complex in Nishi Ward. Open until 9:30 p.m. I usually use the Imajuku branch, but this is convenient because it's easy to stop by on my way home from work. To be honest, the Imajuku store is larger and more beautiful. The side dish corner is also of a very high standard. I think it was a year or two ago that it became possible to pay by card at the cash register. Good selection of cup ramen Especially when you can buy Yamadai's awesome noodle series for around ¥268👍 There are so many differences even within the same chain store. This is probably due to regional characteristics. Sometimes you can find cheap products I will use it from time to time

  • 川野須美佳



    Cheap and easy to shop

  • 山本宗一



    3 croquettes cost 100 yen, and sushi rolls and inari sushi are always available at super cheap prices at the supermarkets around here, so you can't miss them when you use them.If you don't go by around noon, you won't get sushi rolls.

  • 雨


    Eggs are cheap, so that's a good thing, but a few years ago we renovated the store, so we don't have many products anymore, and for some reason, we don't stock bath salts in the summer. And even though the cash registers were replaced with machines much later than other branches, the cash registers are old and run out of money quickly, making it difficult for the staff to deal with them. I wish they had a cash register like the one at the Imajuku store...

  • 川上正男



    I would like to see more freshness and variety of fresh fish. I feel like a lot of customers come here because the dried noodles are cheaper than at other supermarkets. Elderly people only have cheap eggs and cup noodles in their baskets. There is no doubt that pension life is becoming increasingly difficult!

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