JA Fukuokashi Hakatajomonsanirubeichiba i Fukuoka

JapanJA Fukuokashi Hakatajomonsanirubeichiba



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6-chōme-18-3 Higashiirube, Sawara Ward, Fukuoka, 811-1102, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-872-8558
internet side: www.ja-fukuoka.or.jp
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Latitude: 33.5184186, Longitude: 130.3353699

kommentar 5

  • ichiro takeuchi

    ichiro takeuchi


    Local farmers serve their own vegetables Many of the vegetables are grown within view from the road in front of the store. I think the price is also worth it Seasonal vegetables are cheap Lunch boxes, side dishes, sweets...we also have meat. I went to buy winter vegetables today. The parking lot is large and easy to park, but it's a normal outdoor parking lot, so be sure to bring an umbrella on rainy days. It's a little different from going to the shopping mall. It's convenient because it's along the main road, but you need to be careful about traffic jams in the evening.

  • 猫又ふぁいぶ



    I'll stop by when I'm passing by. There are plenty of seasonal vegetables and fruits. There are side dishes and bento boxes available until noon. There is a Kashiwa Meal Bento from Wacky Shuki no Sato. I keep buying it. After noon, side dishes and bento boxes will be in short supply. Please hurry.

  • ぐりふぉん



    Purchase pesticide-free vegetables and fresh shiitake mushrooms. There were local items and items from Kyushu such as Oita and Miyazaki.

  • 四かプリン



    This is a direct sales office of the agricultural cooperative. I'm going to buy brown rice. There are mainly a lot of vegetables. I think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on the event. We also sell rice husks used for shore fishing bait.

  • naohappy0616



    I was looking for a certain ingredient and found this shop. I knew from looking online that the ingredients were nearing the end of their season and that they were in stock at Itoshima's farm direct, but since it was too far away, I wanted to buy them somewhere nearby if possible, so I decided to take a look. When I went there, it was there. I arrived late in the evening, so most of the items had been sold, but I think the selection was not as bad as I expected. The cut flowers weren't placed just as you wanted them to be, but they were all over the place. However, if you want to buy a lot of things, it's best to go early.

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