Maruho Cafe en Sendai

JapónMaruho Cafe



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1-chōme-2-24 Kitayama, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0931, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-707-3621
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2804651, Longitude: 140.8606577

comentarios 5

  • mi



    The owner cooks alone, so it gets crowded during lunch. This is a very sincere response. Overall, the only word I can say about the food is "delicious!" It has a garlic scent, but it doesn't leave a bad breath. Since the amount of pasta is so large, women usually have a full stomach. A large cup of hot coffee made from beans☕️ All the lunches are delicious and I've been coming back again and again for years when I have free time.

  • みちもこ



    This is a cafe of a rice cake shop. Mochi takeout starts at 9am, but the cafe opens at 11am. Immediately after, customers started arriving one after another, and the store quickly became full. I think it's best to come before 11am and wait in the parking lot before entering the store. Everything on the lunch menu looks delicious, but I always end up having pasta lunch. For rice cakes that you can choose for dessert at lunch, we recommend brown sugar syrup soybean flour. Because you can't buy it for takeout. The staff at the store are all very friendly. Pets are allowed outside, so it's a good idea to make a reservation when the weather gets warmer.

  • blu.



    Today's rice lunch and Japanese-style pasta lunch were served. The gentle taste made me want to try other menu items as well. Sometimes, when I didn't feel like I could eat the mochi for dessert, I took it home.

  • 豆花



    I visited for lunch. The reviews said it would be crowded during lunch, so I went to get in when it opened. I ordered Okowa lunch. Honey mustard chicken is hearty and delicious. The dumplings after eating are so soft! You can buy dango and daifuku at the checkout counter, so I bought some dango as a souvenir. I ate it with my family tonight, and it remained soft and not hard. I want to go buy it again. There are 3 to 4 parking spaces in front of the store.

  • aki ma

    aki ma


    Finally visited. I had previously received rice cakes as gifts, so I was curious about this one. Gooey rice cake! The lunch set comes with rice cake! ■10-meal limited lunch Fried chicken and maitake mushroom rice. Delicious combination of Japanese and Western styles♪ The inside of the store is also stylish. Terrace seats are also available outside (pets allowed) *Reservation required Take-out rice cakes are available from 9am. There are many ways to combine them, so you can enjoy mochi and rice at a great value♪ Dengaku mochi (sesame) A very soft rice cake. It's insanely delicious♪ ■The accompanying potato salad and simmered pumpkin are also very delicious♪ ■4 types of rice cakes. A set of sweet rice cakes. Rice cake eaten with a fork♪ such as raspberries and chocolate. The fresh cream doesn't have to be too sweet♪ ■It has a lot of tea and goes great with rice cake♪

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