CAFE Con-combre en Sendai

JapónCAFE Con-combre



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒980-0021 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chūō, 1-chōme−6−25 仙台クリニックビル
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2625797, Longitude: 140.878819

comentarios 5

  • Tomo



    I wanted to eat omelet rice, so I made a reservation here for lunch. It was a good decision to make a reservation as it was fully booked. The sauce on the omelet rice is sweetly seasoned, which is a first for me. It was 👍.

  • 杣人somabito



    I visited on Sunday afternoon. I just wait for it to open before entering the store. Fortunately, we were able to get a seat as the seats were filled with people who had made reservations. The staff was polite and gave me good feedback, asking that I arrive by 12:45. The service is also casual and smart. I had the standard omelet rice and grilled pork. The omelet rice has a light sauce and is delicious. The grilled pork also had a nice flavor with mustard and loosely mashed potatoes. It comes with a salad and a drink for a reasonable price, and the coffee you get after the meal is also nice at 200 yen. It's a good restaurant for women to have a chat and lunch. Please make a reservation before visiting.

  • takegon 0817

    takegon 0817


    This is a small cafe located in a back alley near Sendai Station. I had the ``Rare Cheese Brulee'' and it was fun to have the caramel grilled right in front of me. The crispy caramel and cheese-flavored brûlée were very good. Personally, I wasn't satisfied with the coffee. The majority of customers are women, and this popular restaurant fills up quickly after opening.

  • ゆき



    I ordered rare cheese brûlée and drip coffee. I enjoyed the rare cheese brûlée as they heated the surface on the table! The outside was crispy and sweet, and the inside was melty and rich and delicious! I liked the drip coffee, but unfortunately the quantity was small! The staff's customer service was polite and very good! Although the store was small, it was cute.

  • Genli Wu

    Genli Wu


    A western-style cafe located in the back alley of Hirose street, which is close to Sendai station. Lunch is full of young customers looking for an omelette. And there are several types of omelette, and they are thick and delicious. In the evening, we also serve wellness, and it is an interesting structure that is connected in the shop with the sister shop next to the side.

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