Maruhachi en Sendai




🕗 horarios

4-chōme-2-7 Wakabayashi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0826, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-282-3602
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2303484, Longitude: 140.9012534

comentarios 5

  • S K

    S K


    The pork cutlet was delicious. I think it's the original tonkatsu sauce, but it was sweet and rich. The restaurant has the atmosphere of an old-fashioned diner. There is a butcher shop next door, and I think they run the same business. I felt that the meat quality was good and the cost performance was good for the price. The parking lot is difficult to find, but you can park on the right side after entering the side road. It was difficult to get out because there were no traffic lights. Alcohol is also reasonably priced. The steak I had that night was also delicious.

  • あさひなた



    I received the pork cutlet. The taste was elegant and delicious, but the cost performance was poor for a set meal restaurant affiliated with a butcher shop. It may be just my imagination, but restaurants run by butchers tend to be cheaper or have bigger pieces of meat. I had an image of it being expensive, and the meat in the katsudon was unfortunately thin.

  • Tantan hm

    Tantan hm


    My first visit to the store, I ordered the Hirekatsu set meal. The batter is crispy and the meat is slightly pink🩷. Perfectly cooked 👍 Soft and juicy It was delicious. The accompanying cabbage and potato salad are also delicious! Miso soup and pickles are also delicious⭐️ My colleague ordered a 200g pork cutlet set meal, which would have cost over 2,000 yen in Tokyo, and said it was delicious, cheap, and something he wanted in his neighborhood. 😄I would like to go out to eat with my family next time. My wish is that the fin cutlet I ate this time was cut into 3 pieces in half and had 6 pieces, but if you could prepare a menu with 2 pieces and 4 pieces at a lower price, it would be easier for my wife and children to eat. It turns out...

  • ライフサポートシステム山崎(便利屋)



    I used it for lunch. The store was crowded, and although we entered at 12:30, we had to wait about 20 minutes to be seated. I ordered the Kakuni set meal (large serving of rice), and the meat was tender and each flavor was delicious. I think it would be good for entertaining at lunch.

  • 宮城拳太郎



    I like the fried chicken set meal here, so I go there to eat it. I especially like the ``sauce'' that comes with the plate. (Of course, the fried chicken itself is delicious.) It seems that many of the customers around me are ordering the pork cutlet set meal. It's next door to a butcher shop (I think it's the same shop), so the meat is delicious. Is the female clerk a bit shy? Even though they are serving customers, I think they are taking orders without making face-to-face contact.

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