Marugen Ramen i Kochi

JapanMarugen Ramen



🕗 åbningstider

17-16 Kitashintachō, Kochi, 781-8003, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-821-9528
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5514042, Longitude: 133.5526923

kommentar 5

  • zettyoukai



    It's been a while since I last bothered you. The summer limited menu just came out, so I ordered it without hesitation. It was very delicious.

  • Vy Nguyễn

    Vy Nguyễn


    Good noodles, OK price. Orders come out quickly without having to wait. There is parking space, spacious and airy.

  • Juan Tomas Rodriguez

    Juan Tomas Rodriguez


    Fortunately, one of the only places that stayed up until late in the area. They have plenty of options to choose and the taste was good. They offer three different sauces/spices from which you can pour on your soup to improve the experience.

  • Buchi Okafor

    Buchi Okafor


    The ramen was great ❤️😊 Wouldn't expect much from the gyoza though 😁 Nice place to have dinner 👍

  • Cherry L

    Cherry L


    Excellent food, welcoming staff. Love the ramen here, and of course their discount coupons. Hehe

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