Gyoza no Ohsho Kochi Goza i Kochi

JapanGyoza no Ohsho Kochi Goza



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4-50 Kitagoza, Kochi, 781-0083, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-880-1230
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.569413, Longitude: 133.5607042

kommentar 5

  • N



    I had the daily lunch (980 yen including tax). It was a set of salt ramen, small fried rice, one croquette, and vegetables. The fried rice was quite tasty. The croquettes looked like they were frozen. It was a shame that the vegetables were only mediocre. The salt ramen was supposed to be a regular size, but I was disappointed because it was only available in the mini or small size that another restaurant said. The taste was light. The person I was with ordered some gyoza, and it was served right after he ordered it, and he said it was chewy. Since it was around noon, I assumed they had made it in advance. Since gyoza is their specialty, I would like them to serve them freshly made even if it takes a long time.

  • NARI



    Came in on a weekday night. Since it's a national chain, I thought the taste would be the same, but the menu differs slightly. Gyoza tastes the same. I don't know how to express whether the seasoning of the bean paste for fried noodles has changed across the board, or maybe it's just Kochi, but it's different from other prefectures. Especially the noodles are salty. The shrimp tempura is delicious with a light batter and plump meat. Like Yoshinoya, the seasoning varies depending on the prefecture.

  • Andrew Olson

    Andrew Olson


    🍜Good place to get comfort food! 🍙 I got the spicy chicken but it wasn’t much spicy and it was way over cooked. Gyoza was delicious.

  • Buchi Okafor

    Buchi Okafor


    It was just okay... I had ramen and gyoza. Wasn't really impressed.

  • Dimitri Schuastz

    Dimitri Schuastz


    Not that expensive, a decent quantity of food, and good taste. Garage is not that good do....

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