Marugame Seimen Sakaihamadera i Sakai

JapanMarugame Seimen Sakaihamadera



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5-chōme-3-22 Hamadera Ishizuchōnishi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 592-8333, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 72-265-8628
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.55438, Longitude: 135.4493341

kommentar 5

  • Joel Soo

    Joel Soo


    Very yummy noodles, extremely friendly and helpful staff.

  • 森井正和



    I usually go after 3 o'clock and they often run out of rice balls, but they make them right away, which is helpful. Everyone will know the taste even if you don't tell them!

  • チルト3度



    This is the store in Marugame Seimen in Japan that has the most chewy udon noodles. Accounting is also extremely slow. What do you do during busy times like during the day? And Ilashai. Thank you. There is no voice. I wish they would fire the old people and use someone more energetic and friendly. I don't think I'll go there again. I went there again this time. Please disinfect before entering the store today! I was told. The floor was still sticky and the condiments were all over the place! Even when I leave the dishes behind, thank you. There wasn't. Does anyone always check and confirm this opinion? I would like Chokoko's employees to be properly instructed. I went to the Hamadera store again. It looks like they'll bring the udon to your seat this time. About 5 minutes later, the udon was brought to me, but I put my finger in the bowl and brought it to my seat. I don't feel like eating anymore. It's udon noodles with fingerprints and udon flour. I'll post a photo. All the employees here have really bad attitudes. When you brew tea, it is one-fifth of the amount of a teacup. I only get about 30% of tea, It was full of dirty leaves. As usual, the soy sauce and salt at the table were empty.

  • oskstac1991



    I ordered kamaage (fried chicken). Obviously more than other stores! If you just look at the wooden arrangement, you won't want to order hygienic kamaage! If you think that a lot of people are using this orchestra, it wouldn't be strange if it had some kind of bacteria on it! I don't think it was washed with detergent, and when I saw it at another store it was dried in the sun. Will that keep the bacteria away? If you look at the image again, it looks like an orchestra in a public bath... A plastic box may be more hygienic. Am I the only one who thinks this? The kakiage was good because the sweetness of the onions remained. (The creator is good) At other stores, I sometimes see dry kakiage, which I can tell by looking at it, but I never buy it. Well, it depends on the creator, but it's also a problem if the finished product is inconsistent. Well then 🤚

  • OZON Hellbug

    OZON Hellbug


    Food is standard Marugame good. But the smell of sauce will stick to your clothing for days. Sticky floor and table.

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