Lumiere Fukutsu Store i Fukutsu

JapanLumiere Fukutsu Store



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2-chōme-18-35 Hanamigaoka, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3214, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 940-35-8377
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.760341, Longitude: 130.478304

kommentar 5

  • Samuel Rodriguez

    Samuel Rodriguez


    The best prices, but the store is dirty and messy. They have everything food wise and a little of everything else, things for pets, home improvement, office/school supplies, clothing, shoes, electronics, toys...

  • T O

    T O


    I use it regularly Food is cheap and there is a wide selection of ingredients, making it very convenient. Especially the fish is cheap and the best. I bought sushi today too. My husband and I often go shopping together. Today, Coca-Cola 2L was on sale for 99 yen (tax included) Even though the price includes tax, I'm happy with this price. There is also a store in Koga City, but this one is really good. It's a bit of a hassle as I have to buy alcohol at the store next door. The price is cheap I think I want to go again

  • Kevin from Japan 福津日本出身のケビン

    Kevin from Japan 福津日本出身のケビン


    嫌で汚い‼️‼️‼️ Have a look at the floors AND cash registers!!!! Absolutely disgusting. Filthy ‼️ NEED TO EMPLOY CLEANERS AND MAKE REPAIRS...

  • Dhanuka Dhanuka

    Dhanuka Dhanuka


    A beautiful city with all the amenities to live in

  • Hideki Matsuura

    Hideki Matsuura


    Surprisingly cheap grocery store

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