Lotteria (Takamatsu Station Store) in Takamatsu

JapanLotteria (Takamatsu Station Store)



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1-20 Hamanochō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0011, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-823-3251
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.35077, Longitude: 134.04685

kommentare 5

  • shica 1007

    shica 1007


    Lotteria Takamatsu Station store Originally a Lotte group store The concept is a hamburger for Japanese people. It seems like it was developed like that In Kagawa Prefecture, there is only one in a station building in Takamatsu City. Rare hamburger shop|ω・) Incidentally, it is now under the umbrella of Zensho HD. There has been a wall imitating McDonald's plans for a long time. Currently I'm doing something called "Night W"... The content is also a complete copy. I'm glad I didn't get a replacement (;∀;) Aim for a safe position by reducing unnecessary development costs It is also a strategy typical of Zensho. Speaking of Lotteria's featured products, Probably shrimp burger Actually from Japanese consumers... It is highly popular in Korea and has an overwhelming number of stores. This time, we have a set of “double exquisite cheese” Drink is cola I'm adding Karaagetto. Total 940 yen (tax included) Karaage, Cola receive number tag I’ll be waiting for it to be completed|ω・) Is it also a feature that they are not offered at the same time? Even the naked nuggets get cold. I understand that you want to serve a freshly grilled burger. Feel free to use this area as you like. Burger size is small Meat seasoned with black pepper x 2 Karaageto is 3P Everyone says that Lotteria is unique, but... There's only enough space to smoke inside the store, right? I don't think so (yes)

  • Odelia Tan

    Odelia Tan


    Service was good, the manager (?) came out to check if our food was okay and even gave us a new one as they thought the previous one hadn't been made well (it was fine for us).

  • Jason Chuei

    Jason Chuei


    Service was slow for a fast food joint. Matcha latte was overly sweet, but the chicken burger and fries were good.

  • Harri Thomas

    Harri Thomas


    Literally vile, probably one of the worst meals I've ever had. The burger tasted bland and seemed as though it was made about a week ago judging by how the bun was saturated in grease. Fries weren't bad. Poor portion size especially when you consider how expensive the meals are. Avoid this place

  • Jason Hung

    Jason Hung


    Chain fast food branch for you to grab a quick bite. The service is great!

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