Fufu Ramen Busshozan in Takamatsu

JapanFufu Ramen Busshozan



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒761-8078 Kagawa, Takamatsu, Busshōzanchō, 甲45−16
kontakte telefon: +81 87-889-8218
webseite: www.fufuramen.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.2867556, Longitude: 134.0389408

kommentare 5

  • kk ho

    kk ho


    Spacious interior Wider variety in the menu than usual

  • ハイツT



    Added June 2020 The chilled Dandan noodles were salty but delicious. Stickiness may also be good for summer fatigue. Added May 2020 It's been 2 years. It's been a while since I ate Dandan noodles, but I didn't find them as delicious as before. disappointing. April 2021 You can try all types of ramen, including soy sauce, miso, tonkotsu, salt, and tandan noodles, so even if you go in a group, you can choose according to your taste, so it's easy to get involved. Moreover, everything is delicious. I recommend it because it's more delicious than the poor quality ramen shops.

  • ぽしぇっとPochette



    Ramen is simple! (Is delicious) The fried chicken on the side was piping hot and very delicious. The gyoza was a little lukewarm, but overall it was delicious and satisfying. The staff's customer service was very polite!

  • 直人



    Parking is available in front of the store. There were about 8 counter seats and 6 table seats separated into two parts of the store. There are also many comics at the entrance. The seats are wide and comfortable. I ordered a set of pork bone ramen and half fried rice.

  • 三冠馬



    I think it has been here for over 20 years. It was a ramen shop that I had always been interested in. This chain store originated in Kokura, Fukuoka Prefecture and has expanded nationwide. My first impression was that it grabbed the working man's stomach and wouldn't let go. The atmosphere of the store was strangely unadorned, easy to enter, and the atmosphere was amazing. The cooking method involved two women in the kitchen warming up the ingredients that had been prepared in advance. What surprised me was the fried rice, which was heated by putting frozen fried rice into a special drum-style pot. The taste is also above average and delicious. Fried chicken isn't bad either. My rating for Karaage Meister is 85 points.

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