FRESHNESS BURGER Maritime Plaza in Takamatsu

JapanFRESHNESS BURGER Maritime Plaza



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-1 Sunport, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0019, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-825-5516
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3524521, Longitude: 134.0475144

kommentare 5

  • Viktor



    Decent burger. I would rather spend my money here than at McD.

  • Kim Reynolds

    Kim Reynolds


    1: I am so glad they offer a selection of soy burgers! It can be difficult to be vegetarian in Japan 2: I placed an order before catching a ferry on a busy day and couldn't quite wait for my order to be ready, and halfway down the walkway to the ferry one of the staff ran up to me with my order! And then she gave me directions because I was going the wrong way. Eleven stars for spectacular service! I caught the ferry with no time to spare and was able to eat a veggie burger for lunch.

  • Paul Walsh

    Paul Walsh


    Popped in for a soy meat "GOOD BURGER"with avocado. The patty is animal product free but the bun and dressing contain dairy making it an option for vegetarians if not vegans. Also had a side of fries and pumpkin soup. The chai was very sweet but nice in a cold night. COVID-19 MEASURES Staff were all masked, disinfectant spray all over the place and every other table closed.

  • Wei Yuet Wong

    Wei Yuet Wong


    Very good friendly staff. Good service. I asked which of the burgers did not contain beef, and they bothered to check the recipe file. Service was fast, and I enjoyed my food. Good for a quick bite.

  • Luca P.

    Luca P.


    Good food, fast service, friendly staff. A little expensive but it is worth it ! Recommend this place for a quick bite.

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