L’enfant qui rêve w Sapporo

JaponiaL’enfant qui rêve



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-1 Moerenumakōen, Higashi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 007-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-791-3255
strona internetowej: lenfant-qui-reve.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.1226854, Longitude: 141.430743

komentarze 5

  • Peter Tan

    Peter Tan


    It was drizzling when we arrived at Moerenuma park. Honestly, it’s all man made structures and nothing really exciting. But it lunch time and I knew about this restaurant. Though we didn’t made any reservations, they kindly accepted our walk-in. Staff was friendly, courteous and helpful. Food was good, especially the set lunch.

  • Victor Wong

    Victor Wong


    Food of good quality, service is great and environment is nice

  • ぽめぽめ



    The French food here was really delicious. I still remember the shock I felt when I ate the main course, pork. I wonder if pork can be made so delicious... Great food in a great location. I went there for lunch, but you can enjoy it even for lunch. Sometimes when I go for lunch, there are restaurants that serve extremely low-quality food, but that's not the case here. Anyway, it's wonderful.

  • Stuart M.

    Stuart M.


    The food was very good. I had the cheapest of the three set menu lunches. It was about $32. The other two were around $46 and $64. As far as I could tell, one got additional courses for the upgrades. My set menu had a delicious soup; a salad; an appetizer; the main course was a pork roast; and a small chocolate truffle and ice cream for dessert.The wait staff was friendly and the view out the window was great. My only unpleasant surprise occurred when I saw my bill. The waiter had come to our table with two bottles; one, an alcoholic champagne and the other, a non-alcoholic champagne. His manner definitely suggested we could freely choose either of the drinks AS THEY WERE INCLUDED IN THE SET MENU. He mentioned no prices and offered us no drink menu to select anything else. My Japanese friend who I was treating also assumed the same. Well, the bill had about $24 extra on it for two very small bottles of non-alcoholic champagne. This kind of sneaky bill padding I have never encountered anywhere else in Japan. I have to deduct one star from what was otherwise a five star experience.

  • Jonas Sjöbergh

    Jonas Sjöbergh


    Extremely good food. Not cheap, but not super expensive. Great view! Located in a nice park that is also worth a visit. Somewhat inconvenient to get to without a car.

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