French restaurants Kazama w Sapporo

JaponiaFrench restaurants Kazama



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Japan, 〒060-0062 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 2 Jōnishi, 12-chōme−323−12 パシフィック三和 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 11-272-1012
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 43.0564395, Longitude: 141.3387935

komentarze 5

  • カメレオン



    I was taken there to celebrate my birthday. The foie gras dish was very delicious.

  • Konopa 27

    Konopa 27


    I visited on my anniversary. The French cuisine made with ingredients from Hokkaido was very delicious. Course A filled me up with raw oysters, roasted lamb, dessert, and coffee. it's recommended!

  • ひぐもん



    You can also make a reservation in advance and choose your meal on the day. ``I'd like one drink please.'' Wine starts from 500 yen, and soft drinks such as carbonated water start from 500 yen. It used to be open for lunch, but now it's only open at night and is a "drinking place"🍷🍺 You will be served dishes that incorporate vegetables that are commonly eaten in France. Madam explains in detail, but there are many vegetables with names I've never heard of before. He was very interesting and taught me a lot of things. For Dinner A, choose an appetizer, main dish, cheese, or dessert from several choices each. Since it was asparagus season, I had Toxila's mimosa style as an appetizer, and I enjoyed the change in taste as it came with two sauces: lemon flavored sauce and creamy sauce. The main game chicken seems to be popular, and the meat was chewy and I was very satisfied even with a small amount. Desserts can be selected by reading the QR code on the menu sheet, and the cashless payment code is also printed, so checking out is smooth.

  • ナポリタン



    “Maruemon” from Akkeshi and “Kotaro oysters” from Lake Saroma caught us and went to Mr. Kazama♪ This time I tried the 5500 yen course☆ The first amuse bouche was smelt escabege (on the left) and the ingredient on the right was fish, although I forget what it was ^^; The escabege was so delicious that I ended up drinking the glass of white wine I had ordered to enjoy the oysters ^^; The second dish is the oysters that I wanted to eat♪ I had never eaten oysters from Lake Saroma, so I wanted to try them! The flavor was stronger than Akkeshi♪ Both lemon and chef's special shallot vinegar are delicious! Of course, the products from Akkeshi were also delicious ^^ Hokkaido is the best with such delicious ingredients! Once I was satisfied with my long-awaited oysters from Lake Saroma, I wanted to try another appetizer prepared by the chef, so I added an appetizer (marinated winter seafood salad with tomato and orange sauce vinaigrette). I saw it ^^ Salmon, scallops, surf clams, and white fish are hidden among fresh vegetables and covered in sauce. The sauce has a strong taste, so it seems like it goes well with alcohol ^^ Delicious, delicious and always smiling lol For the main dish, I tried roasted Scottish mountain quail with winter vegetables! The sauce that perfectly matches the rich flavor of the quail is all over the plate! ! ! Kazama's sauce is always delicious and I'm impressed. The sauce under the quail tasted like it would go well with white rice, so I thought I'd like to have it as a bowl (I wonder if my taste buds are weird lol) Dessert is Yoichi brandy wine pear tart with raspberry sorbet♪ The sorbet was sweet and sour, and the tart had a rich pear flavor and was delicious. I felt like I was going to burst, but I didn't want dessert lol I could eat it with ease♪ Finally, coffee and rose-shaped baked goods! It stomach hurts, but I can eat delicious food ^^ I forgot to take a photo, but on the way there were two pieces of bread and a big chunk of butter. It's a huge amount, but I finished it all lol Very satisfied from beginning to end♪ His wife was in charge of everything other than cooking, and it seemed like a lot of work, but when the number of customers had decreased and things had calmed down, she was able to talk to us with a smile on her face♪ It's a wonderful shop where you can enjoy your time ☆ I'm glad it's a brasserie style restaurant where you can stop by on your way home from work (I think you need to make a reservation)♪ Next time I would like to order a single item instead of a course and enjoy alcohol ^^ It would be nice if assorted appetizers were added to the menu (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) ------------------ Visited again in search of Hokkaido oysters♪ "Oysters in the shell gratin with champagne sauce" It’s exquisite ♬ To my average taste, the sauce tasted like a refined mayonnaise sauce! The plump oysters steamed in champagne and the slightly sour sauce are a perfect match! It was so flavorful that I could eat as many pieces as I wanted without getting bored ♬ Since I had made a reservation in advance, I ordered 3 of them, but I didn't have enough at all lol! Great compatibility with the white wine Picpoul de Pinet ★ Please enjoy the seasonal taste of Hokkaido~\(^o^)/

  • Yosuke Matsuno

    Yosuke Matsuno


    I made a reservation and visited on a weekday night. I had the dinner course for 5,500 yen. We started with an amuse bouche, followed by an appetizer, soup, this time we ordered fish and meat mains, so we had two mains, and then dessert. All the dishes were carefully prepared and the flavors were well thought out and very delicious. In particular, the main dish of this time, the lamb chops, was perfectly cooked, juicy and tender, and the rich fat of the lamb was not overwhelming. Personally, I thought it was one of the top 5 lamb chops I've ever eaten. Compatible with most electronic payment services. I was also able to use a Sapporo Discount coupon.

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