Lawson Uehonmachi Hi Hi Town w Osaka

JaponiaLawson Uehonmachi Hi Hi Town



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
6-chōme-3-31-115 Uehonmachi, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6773-6325
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6653646, Longitude: 135.5188198

komentarze 5

  • 松本敏希



    A soggy pizza bun was sold. When I opened the piping hot pizza bun, the bread was soggy and melted. I noticed that the store staff was acting strange when they were putting it in, but did they know that and sold it? It seems that they are not managing the products that have not been selling for a while, so please be careful about products sold before 10pm. He's just an ordinary Lawson who can't be said to be particularly friendly.

  • 澤田



    All women, please do your part. The men and male foreigners are very unfriendly, scary, and intimidating. Maybe it's only for women...

  • 葉月はーこ



    The clerk was rude. The cash register screen said "I have a Ponta card or d point card," so when I went to buy stamps I said, "I have a Ponta card," and they said, "Cash only." Moreover, even though it was a stamp, they didn't ask me if I wanted to use it right away, nor did they give me anything to wet it with!

  • もちもちわんこ



    In the evening, the clerk who came in alone was very confused. Response, worst💢💢 I bought a total of 7 items, including L Chiki, with a free coupon from a Twitter campaign. After ordering the L-tiki properly, I said, ``I'd like to use the free coupon for the L-tiki from the Twitter campaign☺,'' but they just looked at me and didn't reply. When the coupon barcode screen appeared, there was no response again. Scan and you're done. After that, the phone response was terrible💢💢I will never go there again. ☆One? ! Minus is enough! !

  • ヨッパのホッシー



    It is on the first floor of the building and there is no parking lot. It's a rather small store with an average selection of products. The staff is very responsive and you can shop in a good mood.

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