7-Eleven w Osaka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
3-chōme-1-20 Kitahorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka, 550-0014, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6533-7711
strona internetowej: www.sej.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6752274, Longitude: 135.4903782

komentarze 5

  • よーよー



    I wanted to use the coupons all at once, so when I asked her, she just nodded without replying. In the end, I was only able to use one coupon, so I told the other clerk. They responded. I think it's the owner's wife. Serving customers in such an arrogant manner... I guess I'm better than the customer. Unfortunately, I think they have downgraded 7-Eleven. Next time I won't forget to take a movie! I will also inform the head office!

  • なやらch



    I don't understand why there are two cash registers and they are far away from each other, but there is only one place to line up. Even though I was lining up, I was asked to re-queue. I was really annoyed

  • 私の足跡



    There are two entrances and exits.

  • エマ



    One woman had a bad attitude. There were stickers on the floor to line up at each of the two registers, and each one had to line up. The other day, there was another cash register in line, so I was lining up at the cash register in front of me, and the person in front of me had finished paying, so when I went to the cash register, I was stopped by a grumpy person who told me that the other person in line was first. I called out to the person in line at the other register. Normally, when there are markings on the floor telling people to line up at each register, like at a supermarket, if there are other people in that line, I think it's good manners to give priority to that person, but is this not the case? At other stores, there were cashiers in separate rows. I felt really bad, like I had been rejected, like someone was violating some kind of etiquette. What is that salesperson thinking? I felt very uncomfortable.

  • 仲本礼



    The guy's attitude is so bad that he looks like a band member late at night. Really bad! That's really creepy. Someone please buy me some deodorant spray from the shelves. I'm not looking for good customer service. Just do it normally. Wouldn't it be better to do a job where you don't have to interact with people? Well, if you're so reluctant, you shouldn't have to work. I don't have time to go to the slovenly old man or the overbearing lady who is busy in the daytime and is disgusting. It's a little far to the 7-Eleven southeast of Nishiohashi Bridge, but I go there. good bye.

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