Lawson Sendai Tsubonuma i Sendai

JapanLawson Sendai Tsubonuma



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Nagatanishi-28-5 Tsubonuma, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0231, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-281-7355
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.1925255, Longitude: 140.7681992

kommentar 5

  • かんのさとし



    It's a normal convenience store Because there's nothing nearby It's really useful

  • 星行夫



    Large parking lot and easy access! Farmers in this area sell freshly harvested vegetables at the edge of the parking lot on Saturday mornings. It's very delicious.

  • 林英幸



    Which convenience store is closest to Sportsland SUGO? The parking lot is large, so it's easy to get in, and the visibility from the left and right entrances is good, so cars can enter and exit safely.

  • OIX Ill

    OIX Ill


    I've never used the convenience store, but the bicycle parking lot is open on Saturdays. You can buy fresh vegetables at low prices. All the Tsubonuma farmers are friendly.

  • ごんちゃん



    Do you all have no experience? ‼ ️Be careful!! ️Be careful!! ️This is an impossible store ❗ Around 9pm, I bought some raw noodles to warm up in the microwave and tried to eat them in the truck 😠😠😠😠 ``It was lukewarm! ️ It wasn't even warmed up at all.'' Since I was on the premises, I was confused. He returned to the store with the product and receipt and said, ``It's not warmed up!'' The owner opened the package with a calm face, looked at the half-baked noodles, and asked, ``Do you want to reheat them?'' He was confused, so he said, ``I'll replace them with new ones.'' ️" Owner: "No," 😠😠 "Then, give me your money back!" The owner gave me a refund. ️Are you working without knowing how much W to warm up in the microwave? When I ate the rice ball, it tasted like the rice was old! ️There are no shops around, so there are a lot of cars in the parking lot during the day, but at night there are no customers ❗It's quiet 😊

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