7-Eleven i Sendai




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3-chōme-2-11 Oroshimachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0015, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-231-1157
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2571229, Longitude: 140.9264874

kommentar 5

  • カートマン



    I bought a bento box, but it didn't come with chopsticks. (Even though I bought a plastic bag) Since the clerk is a foreigner, consideration is required from us.

  • 00 00

    00 00


    Parking lot is always full. Especially in the morning, there is no place to stop. At noon, it was full of people having lunch. Even in the middle of the night, there are market-related trucks. In severe weather, many people stop on nearby roads... There aren't many convenience stores and restaurants around, so it's a monopoly.

  • Ma Ku

    Ma Ku


    In the morning, the parking lot is always so crowded that you can't park your car. I think the customer service is efficient and wonderful.

  • 高橋弘弥



    The parking lot is unnecessarily large, so in the morning etc. Even if there are no customers, the parking lot is full. I pass by on my way to work almost every morning, I can easily put it in about twice a week. There are rarely more than 5 people in line at the register. By noon, the parking lot was empty.

  • モケケ(Mr Mokeke)

    モケケ(Mr Mokeke)


    The toilet has a washlet. The trash can will be inside the store. My wife can use Docomo. The parking lot is large.

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