7-Eleven i Tagajo City




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2-chōme-2-3 Machimae, Tagajo City, Miyagi 985-0845, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-366-7115
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2849242, Longitude: 141.0031634

kommentar 5

  • pipi



    The clerk is so kind and heartwarming It was a foreign store clerk undergoing training. Greetings, I thought you were in good spirits. When they served me hot soup, they took the trouble to cover the area where I was holding it with a towel so that my hands wouldn't get hot. Your kindness warms my heart ✨️

  • Tacos



    When I went there an hour before the sales time for a popular item, I was told, ``Our store doesn't allow people to line up,'' so I waited somewhere out of the way... Before I knew it, other customers were queuing up, so I was the first one to buy it, so I ended up not being able to buy it (angry). There were other customers who were angry because they knew they had been waiting for a long time, but they weren't getting any attention. Anyway, I was sad that I was treated in such a bad way.

  • 渡邉なつき



    I went there today around 9:24 pm, and the person who was working at the register, Ms. Hariu? (a chubby woman), said in a rather loud voice, ``hash potatoes,'' but she didn't order it. My request was ignored and I proceeded to accounting. why? When I looked at the clerk, he glared at me so badly that I couldn't bring myself to say anything about the hash potatoes. Why do you get glared at after being ignored? I don't feel well, so I'd like to refrain from going there.

  • ずんだのもちこ



    45号線(仙塩街道)沿いにあるお店。 多賀城から仙台に向かうならお店が左手にあるので入りやすいです。 交通量が多いので、時間帯によっては混み合っていますが、平日の品揃えは悪くないかと思います。 週末は空棚が目立つけど、それだけ需要があるお店かと。 店員さんの接客は普通でした。 こればっかりは人によるので何とも言えないところがありますね。 ちなみに週末は悪くないです。

  • 00 00

    00 00


    normal size seven Access from the up line of Route 45 is good, but access from the down line is quite difficult. I think the restrooms are clean and the staff are friendly.

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