Lawson Oita Ojimachi i Oita

JapanLawson Oita Ojimachi



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5-20 Ōjimachi, Oita, 870-0009, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-536-7030
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.2441548, Longitude: 131.5902496

kommentar 5

  • 和希



    There was a foreigner at the cash register, but since he could understand some Japanese, we had a conversation in Japanese. I have a bad health so I used a cane. People at other stores usually look at that and buy coffee. They will add milk or syrup, I asked the foreigner, but he didn't understand. It was like that. I thought I could understand it in English, We were talking and then suddenly, An old store manager who didn't know anything came. Because I don't understand unless you say it in Japanese, I said that I had been speaking Japanese until just now. And since I'm sick, I drink milk in my coffee. If you ask me to put two in, It made me feel very uncomfortable. me too I tried to put up with it, but he had such a bad attitude. I can't help but wonder if you're the store manager? When I asked him, he replied that he was the store manager. Isn't it bad for the store manager to do that? When you say that At a store like this Reopening, And we're still in the middle of talking I quickly said something. This is my first time in such a bad store. Not recommended for people with disabilities or physical disabilities. Ordinary people are like that too You might be annoyed by their customer service attitude. What's more, the d payment points didn't go through the cash register, and only paid at the point of payment. I'm too lazy to say anything, so I don't say anything. It was burning. I don't think there's anything I can say to this person. It's about to reopen. . .

  • me N

    me N


    I often use this convenience store early on weekends because it's easier to find on the way there, but the staff's attitude is so bad! The two of us shopped a lot, and even when we asked them to pay separately, they treated us with a blatant troublesome attitude, and at the time of paying the bill, they started ordering while we were putting the money into the payment machine, probably because we were in the middle of ordering. It just seemed like he was telling me to hurry up. . When I saw the name tag, it was the deputy manager... Can someone like this become the deputy manager of this store? I think this position serves as a role model for other staff members. As someone who works in the same job, I get angry and that's why I'm told that the customer service at the convenience store is of poor quality. I don't think it's okay to put someone like this above you. Please re-educate!

  • Mack Mack

    Mack Mack


    April 1st 14:56 I bought two iced cafe lattes. After finishing my drink, I was about to eat some ice, and when I looked at it, I noticed that something didn't feel right. There were fibers about 5 cm long on the ice. This is not okay!! ️

  • K T

    K T


    Nighttime employees are foreigners. I had my hot dog heated up, but it only heated up for 5 seconds. That won't keep you warm. It wasn't warm at all. Manager, please give proper guidance.

  • 肉球



    The milk cafe au lait I bought on January 19th had an expiration date of January 10th. Nine days had passed. When I called the store, they said, "I think they just forgot to pull it out." Quality control has a lot of problems.

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