Lawson Oita Maizurumachi 1-chome i Oita

JapanLawson Oita Maizurumachi 1-chome



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1-chōme-2-1 Maizurumachi, Oita, 870-0044, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-537-3383
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.239578, Longitude: 131.6167606

kommentar 5

  • blackcoffeekan



    I'm going to buy 47% more fried chicken. Lawson here is a good store because it has relatively freshly fried karaage. However, these four kinds of fried chicken are no good. The flavor and taste of the cheese transfers to other ingredients and is not good.

  • あいず



    There is an old woman with a very bad attitude. It's very unpleasant and outdated. I want him to change into a young person with common sense.

  • metamorphoseゆー。



    I prefer LAWSON to 7-Eleven. Sometimes I get LAWSON that is a loser, but the store clerks are kind. It's helpful because there are many types of cigarettes. I like L Chiki Buns, so I feel relieved when a store has them.

  • funk dust

    funk dust


    It's close to my work so I use it almost every day. All the staff are friendly, morning, noon, and night. There was also a time when they had Hokkaido's Shio A-shaped fries, and the product selection was very good. I'm really glad this Lawson is close to my workplace.

  • 米倉銀蔵



    All the female clerks greet me with a smile and always make me feel comfortable shopping. Also, when you purchase Machi Cafe coffee at this store, the staff will place the cup in the machine and hand you the finished coffee, which is rare even among Lawsons these days. The smile on your face at that time makes me feel like ``I'll come again!''

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