Lawson Oita Chiyomachi 4-chome i Oita

JapanLawson Oita Chiyomachi 4-chome



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4-chōme-4-4 Chiyomachi, Oita, 870-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 97-536-7978
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.2426693, Longitude: 131.6023342

kommentar 5

  • karu gon

    karu gon


    It's easy to park your car and the staff are kind.

  • JAPAN Life Sri Lankan boy

    JAPAN Life Sri Lankan boy



  • 常岡敏男



    There is an eat-in corner for four people, each with one 100V power supply and two USB power outlets (2.4A in total) that can be used from 6:00 to 21:00. thank you. However, the store doesn't seem to want customers to feel comfortable using their facilities by putting various restrictions on them. disappointing.

  • 小川愛



    Located at the intersection. The parking lot is large, but there are so many people that it can be difficult to park. There are a lot of people passing by, so be careful when entering and exiting. I would like your cooperation in back parking. The staff greets you with a cheerful greeting and is always prompt. Karaage-kun and other dishes made in-house are made in advance and in good time. There is a business hotel, Hotto Motto, and a coin laundry across the intersection, and many people seem to use them.

  • Komuro Hajime

    Komuro Hajime


    Bran bread is well stocked, and there are also sweets for people who want to limit their sugar intake. Some Lawson stores are out of stock, so I hope they improve this area.

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