Kyoto Karasuma Hospital i 京都市

JapanKyoto Karasuma Hospital



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Japan, 〒603-8142 京都府京都市北区小山北上総町14
kontakter telefon: +81 75-491-8559
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0451671, Longitude: 135.7590399

kommentar 5

  • りり



    The internal medicine doctor and nurse kindly explained things to me while examining me, and I felt less anxious.

  • lost gtr

    lost gtr


    The woman at the office counter is the worst. Even when I pointed out that there was a lack of prior explanation at the time of hospitalization, there was no apology and they simply proceeded with the matter administratively. If you don't train your staff, you will lose your reputation because of some of your staff.

  • zy su

    zy su


    5m from Kitaoji Station. Super convenient, next to VIVRE to the east. The building is old because it is a historic hospital that used to be the former police hospital. The staff are extremely talented and have great personalities! Many of the doctors (doctors) are veterans of the Kyoto University School of Medicine, and they are very kind! I've been supporting police officers who often break down. Orthopedic surgery I guess I'm good at rehabilitation. Also Examples of obstetrics and gynecology Retired after teaching at Kyoto University School of Medicine famous professors who became Everyone is like the hand of God. Considering the high quality of doctors and staff The cost is also reasonable I think it's a hidden gem hospital. If you really want to heal The quality of the teacher is the most important! What's more, it's empty. There are no convenience stores, banks, or post offices within the hospital. There is a large shopping center next door. Uniqlo, Muji, Hyakuyen, Starbucks, Mac, home appliances, everything is available❗ These are the teachers you can trust and entrust your life to.

  • 音響職人



    My 91-year-old mother collapsed in her house and was rushed to the hospital. I was diagnosed as coronavirus positive at another hospital and was suddenly admitted to this hospital. According to my mother, the nurses were very kind to me and made me feel comfortable during my stay in the hospital. However, it didn't lower my blood sugar level, and it seemed like it was a sugar-reducing meal, so it wasn't a delicious meal at all, so that's why I gave it a -1 star. (Maybe it was because of the coronavirus, so it might have been due to a taste disorder.) The nurses' response was completely good! ! The doctor's examination revealed that my mother's symptoms were mild and nothing special was found. It seems that medical expenses and food expenses will be covered by the government, so if you have a claim, it will come from the municipality. (It seems that it is often free of charge) It seems that there is a charge for linen-related items, but the bill will not be paid by the hospital, but will come from a separate company at a later date. I was a little worried because there were a lot of negative reviews, but my family had a very good impression of it.

  • 名人久太郎



    Unlike Horikawa Hospital, this hospital made me feel at ease when I was worried about being stung by a bee. I was really grateful at that time. I have a hard time understanding why Horikawa Hospital refuses medical treatment because there are no doctors available even during the day, even though such a proper hospital exists. I guess old people are wasting money by treating things like joints that don't heal.

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