Japan Baptist Hospital i Kyoto

JapanJapan Baptist Hospital


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47 Kitashirakawa Yamanomotochō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8273, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 75-781-5191
internet side: www.jbh.or.jp
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Latitude: 35.0333869, Longitude: 135.7960231

kommentar 5

  • Mariana Soziopoulos Steiner Nakajima

    Mariana Soziopoulos Steiner Nakajima


    I’ve loved all my experiences there. Just went for my anual health check up and it was super fast, efficient, many professionals tried to speak English to me, and the talk with the doctor at the end was pleasant too. Would recommend it to any foreigners who need medical support.

  • Syeda Rubaiya Nasrin

    Syeda Rubaiya Nasrin


    Big hospital. Quite famous in the area. Has big parking space. But they ask for quite a high amount 6k+ for the health inspection for submitting to baby's daycare whereas it was about 2k in another clinic.

  • B. A.

    B. A.


    I have visited Japan Baptist Hospital yesterday. Although, it was quite crowded, the support was so nice. Nurses were very kind and helpful. They walked you through what you need to do patiently, and in a very kind way. This hospital is definetely foreigner friendly. Both nurses and doctors speak English. Thanks God, it was a blessing for me 🙏My doctor has explained my condition very well and informed me about my medicines in a detailed way. Then he checked if l understood all. I truly appreciated the care, thanks very much for providing such an attentive care even in today's rough circumstances (peak of pandemic).

  • Hiwot Walelign

    Hiwot Walelign


    I gave birth to my second child, Amen, here. I have a beautiful memory of my stay at the hospital. I am grateful for the outstanding treatment my family and I got there from the staff. They were all kind and cooperative to us.

  • Vasiliy A. Anikin

    Vasiliy A. Anikin


    Very good paediatric service if you treat common cold of your kid. They are open during afternoon hours, although other clinics are normally closed at this time. My three-year old was served very quickly, the doctor was professional and empathetic. He prescribed some medicines, quite effective, to ease her cold symptoms. He also kindly explained the purpose of each drug. Our expenses were covered by my insurance, so we paid almost nothing. Otherwise the price would be painfully high, more than 10000 yen for the standard medicines against common cold (!). So be careful. Nevertheless, the hospital’s infrastructure is well developed and foreigners-friendly. Both receptionists and the doctor were speaking in English. There is a cafeteria with reasonable prices at the ground floor. The chemistry linked to the hospital has a play-zone, where your kid can pass the time.

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