Hotel Green Plaza Hamanako i Hamamatsu

JapanHotel Green Plaza Hamanako


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1038 Mikkabichō Sakume, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1401, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-526-1221
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Latitude: 34.7864776, Longitude: 137.5970368

kommentar 5

  • 本多平八郎忠勝



    I stayed here in conjunction with my plans to visit the Flower Expo. I gave up on going to the flower park and arrived at the hotel early in the pouring rain, but they let me into my room before check-in time, which was really helpful as I was already wet. The building is a bit old and the toilet is quite small, but the room is basically a twin room with a Japanese-style room, and there is a separate washbasin in addition to the unit bathroom, so the room is quite spacious. The room key is an old key type, but I was given two of them along with a sub key, which I appreciated. The restaurant and large public bath are on the first floor, and the hot springs are of good quality and will keep you warm for a long time. Meals are buffet for breakfast and dinner, and the all-you-can-eat eel is popular. There is a wide variety of all-you-can-drink options, so if you want to relax at the hotel, you will be satisfied. There is also a shop at the hotel, but the selection is average. It is a quiet location on the shore of Lake Hamana, and there are no shops within walking distance. A small bus can take you to the nearest Hamanako Railway station. I stayed for several nights, but unfortunately the buffet food was almost the same for both days. Also, I think it would be even better if Mikkabi mandarin juice was offered both morning and evening.

  • Joy Journey

    Joy Journey


    There were 8 of us, including my parents, my younger brother's family, and my family, who took part in the celebration. The most enjoyable part is the all-you-can-eat eel! It was fluffy, crunchy on the outside, and tasted delicious! All the other dishes were delicious as well. I was able to request a celebratory dessert plate by phone in advance. I think it's free, nice plates and great service. The eggs were fresh and plump. My parents were happy, and it was a great memory of my trip. All the staff were efficient and left a good impression. All rooms have lake views. The sunrise was beautiful. The Showa retro hotel was very nice.

  • Ns Baddage

    Ns Baddage



  • Serajul Hossain

    Serajul Hossain


    The hotel is old but the dinner buffet was great and room was ok. The onsen was refurbished and nice.

  • Joe Shaw

    Joe Shaw


    Very beautiful hotel near the lake, and enjoy Japanese bath in it.

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