kushikatsu Katsu (Hankyu Grand Bldg) en Osaka

Japónkushikatsu Katsu (Hankyu Grand Bldg)



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒530-0017 Osaka, Kita Ward, Kakudachō, 8−47, Hankyu Grand Building, 28階
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6315-8388
sitio web: www.tsudasangyo.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7031778, Longitude: 135.4990329

comentarios 5

  • じょうちえ



    I had a set meal for lunch. Even though it's crowded, the food is served quickly, so I think it's easy to go even if you don't have a lot of time. I was sitting right in front of the frying process, so it was fun to watch. It was a sight I never get tired of. I ordered some draft beer, but I regretted it because I was too full. If you want to drink, you can't have a set meal.

  • Thapana Sopadang

    Thapana Sopadang


    All good!, food and very kind chefs 👌




    [Stop at any time you like!!] Omakase course (approximately 3,600 yen to 6,800 yen) ・Pork loin ・Kuruma prawns ・Matsutake mushroom ・Myoga pork belly roll ・Kiss okra roll ・Shimanto pork loin ・Cod roe ・Clam leaf roll ・Crab claw ·onion ・Asparagus ◆Ice cream ◆Plum kombucha

  • star orion

    star orion


    I used it for lunch. Order seasonal vegetables set, A style where all the kushikatsu are served as a set meal at once. 4 types of sauces, 2 types of salad dressings It comes with 10 skewers, salad, rice, pickles, miso soup, and ice cream. It was voluminous and filled me up. There were seasonal skewers of conger conger wrapped in bacon and edamame croquette-like skewers, which were delicious. The shrimp were prawns and I could eat the whole head and it was very delicious. Unfortunately, although there was an explanation of seasonal skewers, There was no explanation about other skewers, so it's written on the menu, but if it comes out as a skewer, I won't know which one is which, so I'll have to wait until I eat it to know if it's beef cutlet or something... so I wish someone would explain it to me. ,I thought. At the restaurants I often go to, they tell me that this skewer goes well with this sauce, so I was left with the impression that they were very unfriendly considering the price.

  • かっとと中尉



    I visited this store for the first time after going to another store for quite some time. You won't regret going to any of the stores as the taste remains the same. The price is not cheap, but if you want to try high quality kushikatsu, please go there. I think you'll be hesitant to go for all-you-can-eat kushikatsu. By the way, my recommendation is to eat asparagus with salt. Or hanpen chocolate. This unusual skewer is absolutely delicious. This time, I ordered two additional bottles for lunch.

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