HAMA-SUSHI Utsunomiya Imaizumi i Utsunomiya

JapanHAMA-SUSHI Utsunomiya Imaizumi



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-8-2993-2 Izumigaoka, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0952, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: maps.hama-sushi.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5696619, Longitude: 139.9165672

kommentar 5

  • Jeffrey Teo

    Jeffrey Teo


    Had a great experience at hama-sushi. Sushi was delivered at great value and fast speed. Theres a large variety of sushi available. There are also three languages available for food ordering via the app - Japanese, English or Chinese. Would highly recommend.

  • Daniela Lozada

    Daniela Lozada


    I am Mexican but last month I had dinner in this place, and I can only Say that is delicioso I am delighted with Octopus spicy sushi and their desserts are truly exquisite, The waiting time for your dishes is fast, and fue to allá of the above, I think it's an excellent place. 👌

  • Fankuroll



    Standard conveyor sushi with good price and standard quality in the restaurant chain. My photo taken from my last visit which the menu will be changed following the season.

  • Igor Pacheco

    Igor Pacheco


    I really love this place it was something new since it is a automated line for sushi. Decoration is not the best but good is great. As all Japanese restaurants we got water and tea for free so it was great time and great food.

  • Jo Y

    Jo Y


    While it was good value for filling your appetite, the sushi quality was pretty appalling. The albacore tuna with avocado was good, but mostly because the avocado and mayo overpowered the fish. The nankotsu was the best thing I ate...which should.not be the case at a "sushi restaurant". The robot greeter and the ordering system was pretty efficient though.

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