Steak House Iseya en Sendai

JapónSteak House Iseya



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒980-0021 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chūō, 1-chōme−1−1 JR仙台駅S-PAL本館 地下レストラン街
contactos teléfono: +81 22-262-0012
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.259063, Longitude: 140.8813935

comentarios 5

  • Kai Liesbrock

    Kai Liesbrock


    We found this place through a YouTube Video. The food looked amazing and they had an English menu on the website. As we came there we learned that the menu on the website was very old - they had other dishes now and prices increased a lot on some things, also no English menu available anymore. The food tasted Amazing but was a very tiny portion for around 6.000 Yen. After we finished our meal we wanted to order some more food and drinks, but the manager gave us the bill with no further comments and asked us to leave. Felt not very welcomed. All in all the food was good but there are better places with a warmer atmosphere for a better price.

  • Jo Eib

    Jo Eib


    Went here because of Ryotaros YouTube video. This was my second Japanese Steakhouse. I am convinced that steak is not something Japan understands as a food and that there are a dozen better ways to enjoy wagyu or meat in general, like Yakiniku or teppanyaki. The steak itself was good, but overpriced, especially if you consider the usual lack of sides. An apitizer salad. And with the steak half a small potato, a little bit of carrot and broccoli is not really enough for a meal. A handful of French fries is usually served. Additionally the steak is served in a hot pan, so the meat is slightly undercooked from what you ordered so it can finish cooking on the hot iron it is served in, makes sense, doesn't it? Only problem here is the thick layer of bean sprouts below the steak. Makes no sense and doesn't work. Put the veggies on the side. The steak sauce.. a good steak doesn't need sauce. Period. And this steak was good enough to not need it. This was pricy but good meat, I enjoyed it. The sides didn't satisfy me, so I went for Ramen after. Steak is not an art, it is a man's hearty soul food and together with some sides it should fill him up after a hard day. I don't know if steak in Japan can change, but I advice a journey to Ireland to understand how it's done. P.S. There is no toilet, you have to go outside and visit the public station toilet. Bummer for that price.

  • Jordan Heywood

    Jordan Heywood


    Located on BF1. Amazing meat. Very professional and attentive staff. Language barrier with basic Japanese and gestures. Highly recommended.

  • Jimmy Liaw

    Jimmy Liaw


    Celebrated my wife's birthday with a visit to this steakhouse. Sendai beef is their specialty. We ordered the A5, normal grade, beef tongue, sashimi, grilled gindara, sukiyaki and combo set. All dishes were excellent. Special mention to the grilled gindara which was melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Staff was accomodating and super helpful.

  • Jose Ballester

    Jose Ballester


    Although we did not order the most expensive beef dishes, we expected a good quality according to the price. However, we were a bit disappointed about this point. Price was a bit high in comparison with the received quality, for both the selected beef and the hamburger. The pork cuttle was not a big deal either.

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