餃子の王将 w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-11-36 Nishibaru, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8029, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-385-7290
strona internetowej: map.ohsho.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8159844, Longitude: 130.7511758

komentarze 5

  • Mako Hara

    Mako Hara


    I ordered a large serving of gyoza set rice and a just-sized fried chicken. It was a disappointing experience. First of all, the gyoza skin of the gyoza set meal that was served first was overcooked and hard. The texture was not good. Although the taste was okay, it lacked satisfaction. Furthermore, the perfectly sized fried chicken didn't arrive until I had almost finished eating the gyoza set meal, and it was finally served about 5 minutes after I called the waiter. At that time, there was not even a single apology for not receiving my order. This is the fourth time that my order has not gone through at this store. Improvement of the service is strongly desired.

  • Igacchi Igacchi (Igacchi)

    Igacchi Igacchi (Igacchi)


    I stopped by during lunch time on Wednesday. As expected, it was crowded at lunchtime, and the place was fully booked. Ordered Taiwanese ramen lunch (958 yen including tax). Although it is Taiwanese ramen, the first few bites had a good balance of lightness and spiciness. However, towards the end, I was disappointed that it only emphasized the spiciness and I couldn't feel the depth of the flavor 😅 (Revisited in January 2024) I ordered the Tandan fried rice lunch (902 yen including tax). It was delicious 😁 However, the tandan fried rice might be a bit too flavorful. Also, maybe it was a day when the gyoza sauce was sour?




    Stable Kyoto general Tenshinhan has a gentle taste that may surprise you if you think of Kagoshima Osho. Gyoza is definitely delicious Compared to the past, all of the menu items have become less greasy, but all of our stores will continue to exist as casual Chinese restaurants that you can feel at ease.

  • 鈴木



    On this day, the store had a sour smell for some reason. Orders are for a limited time only Just the right size of super spicy chicken, Taiwanese ramen, and garlic gyoza! The chicken wasn't spicy, but it was crispy and delicious.

  • Tomohiro TMC

    Tomohiro TMC


    It's a stable taste. Gyoza set meal ❕ 12 gyoza will satisfy you. My wife ordered the limited time mapo noodles. It doesn't seem to be spicy.

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