K's House Hiroshima i Hiroshima

JapanK's House Hiroshima


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1-chōme-8-9 Matobachō, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0824, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-568-7244
internet side: kshouse.jp
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Latitude: 34.3925224, Longitude: 132.4738211

kommentar 5

  • Charlotte Robertson

    Charlotte Robertson


    Incredibly clean and in a great location. Tomo, the host, was very friendly and gave the best recommendations for restaurants. As there was a communal kitchen and sitting area, the hostel felt very homely as there were always travellers hanging out there. Tomo also spoke English very well. I felt very comfortable staying here. I highly recommend!

  • Travis Johns

    Travis Johns


    We had a 4 night stay in our traditional Japanese Tatami-style room. The staff was incredibly helpful, spoke enough English to help foreigners and provided a warm and welcome environment after a long day. The rooms were decently sized for two people and the utilities worked well. Also, laundry and public kitchen! Lovely experience for those looking for a cheap stay in Hiroshima!

  • Alex Bower

    Alex Bower


    Great hostel with a relaxed vibe and helpful staff. Perfect for solo or couple travellers who would like to meet people on the way. Stayed in one of the traditional Japanese rooms, comfy and spacious. + Good common area space, lots of games and cards to play with + Cheap vending machine with beer, water and juice + Very helpful staff with lots of tips and guides in reception + Well-stocked kitchen + Washer/drier +

  • Gareth



    Location is great, less than a 15 minute walk from Hiroshima train station. Double room was clean with an OK double bed (bit hard) and en suite was good. Roof terrace is great, kitchen is fully kitted out and the living/lounge area was alright, could have done with a bit more space. Friendly and helpful staff, would recommend staying.

  • Janos Szoke

    Janos Szoke


    I'm very impressed with the hostel, both the service from the staff and the facilities they provide. It's the best one so far I had been to. It's location is good, the staff goes for the extra mile to help you out(especially if you need to leave your baggage somewhere before you depart), the room is clean and easily accessible, also the dining/living room is well-equipped, along with the kitchen. Truly amazing place, so it's well-worth the money no matter how much you pay. :)

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