Chisun Hotel Hiroshima i Hiroshima

JapanChisun Hotel Hiroshima



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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14-7 Noborichō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0016, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-511-1333
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.3934903, Longitude: 132.4669145

kommentar 5

  • Sara Rye

    Sara Rye


    Surprisingly good hotel for a 3 star. I was disappointed that my work have booked me a 3 star but was pleasantly surprised. The rooms are small but not uncomfortable. Clean and enough facilities. The breakfast is amazing if you want to experience Japanese breakfast buffet. Friendly staff, don’t speak English well but they do their best. The massage offered is also really Japanese authentic. Good location.

  • Armaghan Eslami

    Armaghan Eslami


    Comfortable, clean with helpful staff, but the best thing might be the location, there is a bus stop and also a streetcar stop right in front of hotel! Around 10 to 20 min walk to Hiroshima castle!

  • John Brown

    John Brown


    Still a great place to stay. Very handy to station, port and Peace Park by streetcar. Rooms just a little small, but no problem if you only use for the night

  • Cherian Mathew

    Cherian Mathew


    Great location, near lots of good food places, tram and bus stops right near the hotel, convenience store right next door, 10-15 min walk to Hiroshima station. Small hotel room like most but affordable, clean, and quiet.

  • Thanavat berry

    Thanavat berry


    - The location of the hotel is close to the tram. - The service is moderate. - The overall room is considered to be fairly clean. But the air conditioner is quite dirty. (There is dust in the propeller of the air conditioner, quite thick). Overall, it's not worth the money. (As I stay during Saturday-Sunday, the price is quite high)

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