Cafe & Restaurant Marlowe Akiya i Yokosuka

JapanCafe & Restaurant Marlowe Akiya



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3-chōme-6-27 Akiya, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 240-0105, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 46-884-4383
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2415639, Longitude: 139.597459

kommentar 5

  • David C

    David C


    Good food with a nice view of the water. I highly recommend the crab and spaghetti. The creamy tomato sauce is amazing. It is fun to cut through the crabs and enjoy all the tasty meat inside. Once you’re done I would get some of the cheesecake it was fantastic. A lot of people were getting the pudding since they are known for it so I imagine it is good. No better place for the price of the crab meal I have found.

  • Elliott



    I went here on two separate occasions. While I can't read or speak Japanese the staff were very friendly and helpful. I was able to navigate the menu fine with pictures and the food was delicious. Both the seafood risotto and the pudding were excellent. Food is reasonably priced and was filling. Thanks again for your hospitality, I highly recommend this place. Good view of Mount Fuji too on a clear day.

  • Karin Yokoi

    Karin Yokoi


    I only knew the delicious pudding but our dinner was also very good with a variety to choose from and helpful staff

  • Tanuki Eric

    Tanuki Eric


    The pasta was delicious but the true reason to go is the pudding. I had the chocolate pudding and the Black Honey pudding. Amazing depth of flavor and when you get it to go it comes with a cool glass cup as a souvenir!

  • Chieko Suzuki

    Chieko Suzuki


    High expectation had ended up at disappointment. Outlook and the location is good. However the meals were tasteless but salty, the service was like kids-kitchen but the price was high enough for the place and the value. I would prefer to take away pudding and eat at the beach across the road, should be much better experience. Pitty to give few stars. It’s just To avoid spoiling someone’s holiday time.

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