Kosakakato Dental Clinic en Toyota

JapónKosakakato Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

9-chōme-53-2 Kozakachō, Toyota, Aichi 471-0035, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 565-31-3377
sitio web: kosaka-katoshika.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0852345, Longitude: 137.1430218

comentarios 5

  • takeshi m

    takeshi m


    I made a reservation and went before my reservation time, but I had to wait for 30 minutes. Even though I asked for my teeth to be cleaned and declined the test, I was charged the cost of the test, and was also charged for routine tooth-brushing guidance under the guise of dental hygiene guidance. I think the charge for 981 points is an excessive charge. I'm looking for a dentist who does a good job.

  • Pabitra Sharma

    Pabitra Sharma


  • Climb big 1610

    Climb big 1610


    From the telephone response at the time of reservation to the reception on the day of the reservation, everyone was cheerful and responsive.

  • mikhearyohcha



    Even the healthy tooth next to me was ground down without any explanation.

  • ほにょか.



    When I called and asked if they were treating temporomandibular joint disorders, they asked me to come in. I thought they would treat me, but I was told on the spot that they don't do it. Although he explained that he would write a letter of introduction, he did not do anything and just paid the consultation fee and sent me home. I was surprised at how poorly they responded.

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