Yoshimoto Dental Clinic en Nagoya

JapónYoshimoto Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-50 Obataminami, 守山区 Nagoya, Aichi 463-0048, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-792-8241
sitio web: www.yoshimoto-dental.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1977775, Longitude: 136.9819274

comentarios 5

  • ぴよ様



    I have been coming here for check-ups and cavities treatment since I was pregnant. I think he is a very good dentist, as he is able to take care of my one-year-old daughter and consult with me about her wisdom teeth. I will continue to visit.

  • 佐々木真美



    To treat cavities, the nerves were treated in two areas at the same time without anesthesia. I was in agony from the pain Another dentist will treat you with anesthesia. Even when I told her it hurt, she didn't respond... In the end, I took my nerve to treat her and regretted it. Nowadays, there are no dentists who treat painful conditions. I hate dentists

  • apw 3590

    apw 3590


    The receptionist's response was not bad, but in terms of technique, I felt like he was clumsy with his hands compared to other dentists. It hurt anyway. I think I understand why it has a bad reputation. I'm not going anymore.




    Last year, the tooth I had treated had a filling that had fallen off and a large cavity had formed inside. He is currently undergoing treatment elsewhere. Cry!

  • 加藤惠美子(かとえみ)



    For the first time in five years...I have to go to the dentist because it hurts and I can't eat...(lol) It took about a year to have eight cavities healed. Due to work commitments, I was unable to attend in February, which took a lot of time and caused me a lot of trouble. I'll be cleaning it every month for a while... It seems like I'm on the verge of developing periodontal disease... Considering my age, I wonder if it's good to have 29 teeth left?

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