Tomiyasu Dental Clinic en Kariya

JapónTomiyasu Dental Clinic



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4-chōme-21-1 Wakamatsuchō, Kariya, Aichi 448-0858, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 00669801923842
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9882126, Longitude: 137.0091002

comentarios 3

  • 角岡郁子



    The doctor provides accurate and thorough treatment.

  • ひろちゃん



  • fuyu natsu

    fuyu natsu


    He is a dentist that I trust and have been going to for a long time even though I hate doctors. I get the impression that he is sincere and tells me clearly that he doesn't understand what he doesn't understand, that he can't do what he can't do, and suggests introducing me to a top medical institution. There is less of the high-pressure and judgmental feeling that doctors often have, and the instructions on tooth brushing and decisions on treatment plans are straightforward and not preachy. It's also reassuring that if you speak out during treatment, he will stop and ask, "Did it hurt? Do you want to rinse your mouth?" Treatments for oral health are quite expensive, and they are not always urgent. Therefore, you should consult your wallet and schedule and decide for yourself whether to undergo treatment or not, and if so, when. From a doctor's point of view, patients are customers, so it's natural for them to want to spend money on their visits over and over again, and the doctors here are no exception to this and don't feel that way. I don't want to waste time! If you're going to do it, do it when it's convenient! I think this is a dentist who understands the patient's needs very well. Everyone has different preferences, but I think this is a dentist you can feel comfortable with and don't have unnecessary stress.

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