Kono Dental Clinic i Niigata

JapanKono Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

5 Banchō-854 Nishiboridōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-226-6050
internet side: sleptwell.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.9213447, Longitude: 139.0429791

kommentar 5

  • 小林のぶこ



    Please examine me carefully. I'm happy because they give me good instructions on how to brush my teeth.

  • 景山啓明(ヒロワキ)



    They will help you prevent periodontal disease. Although it may seem like an overkill, I recommend it to those who are diligent about prevention.

  • ta ma

    ta ma


    Very polite response I'm impressed that my image of dentists has changed. Thank you for your continued support.

  • ut huihl

    ut huihl


    I don't think they put themselves in the patient's shoes. I was disappointed. I went home crying.

  • paul reon

    paul reon


    I think the female doctor is the director of the hospital. I've been going there for a while, and he was a kind person who asked me for advice and other things.

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