Komeda's Coffee en Kurume

JapónKomeda's Coffee



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-5-11 Higashiaikawa, Kurume, Fukuoka 839-0809, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 942-65-5180
sitio web: www.komeda.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3201986, Longitude: 130.5494516

comentarios 5

  • タロウ



    komeda quality Tightly komeda quality Price, contents, service Satisfied with everything The cake was delicious 😍

  • 6.1 Konan

    6.1 Konan


    I was able to talk slowly. The staff was very responsive and the delivery time was no problem.

  • Aoi Kaji

    Aoi Kaji


    I stopped by here because I wanted to eat Shiro Noir. The cash register and waiting area were cluttered with staff and it was hard to wait. When there were a lot of people, there was a 120 minute time limit posted on the wall, but some people were working on their computers in a relaxed manner. By the way, customers came without any hesitation, so long as they wrote their names and waited. It's a shame that it's no longer in Yume Town. I was able to spend my time more slowly than here.




    I went on a Sunday after 11am. There was a wait, but after a short wait, I was guided and I ordered right after that. Drinks were served in about 15 minutes, then food came about 15 minutes later. I had ordered Shiro Noir after my meal, so I called the staff immediately after I finished my meal and asked him to bring it to me, but he didn't come even after waiting about 20 minutes, so I called the staff again and asked again. . He brought it back about 5 minutes later, so I guess he had forgotten about it. There were customers waiting for a long time, so I finished my after-dinner food and left the restaurant immediately. Although I ate early, I was at the restaurant for an hour and a half. There was a long wait, so I think the wait was due to the slow delivery and poor rotation. I used to use it occasionally, but I don't use it anymore.

  • たけけんたろう



    The customer service was kind. I was politely told that this was a better deal and that I could sit in a spacious area. Coffee is delicious as always The bread was also delicious. However, since it was a coffee shop, I thought that the turnover rate of the store was low because everyone was talking or working for a long time over coffee. I can't help it because there are various customers.

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