Sola Cafè en Nogata

JapónSola Cafè



🕗 horarios

492-10 Tonno, Nogata, Fukuoka 822-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 949-26-8809
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7503655, Longitude: 130.7612682

comentarios 5

  • たかこ



    The Japanese style spaghetti was sweet. Also, the cod roe spa felt salty. It wasn't to my liking, but The atmosphere was good and the staff were kind. Next time, I would like to order a different menu. think.

  • すまど



    I have a family of 3. Ordered Neapolitan, Nogata Yaki Spa, Meat Pie, and Special Meat Sauce. The grilled spa has plenty of bonito flakes. Fried eggs are similar to yakisoba, but they have a sweet sauce taste and don't have the acrid smell of sauce, and the noodles are pasta noodles. It's so delicious! Neapolitan is surprisingly sweet and delicious without being sour! It contains fried eggs, paprika, onions, etc., and might be my favorite Neapolitan. The special meat sauce has melted cheese on top (you can choose to add cheese or not), and my 6th grade daughter really liked it. The meat pie was also crispy and delicious, and came with a salad. I would also like to try other dishes.

  • みかん



    It was my first time there. The atmosphere was good and I was able to relax. I would like to try a different menu next time.

  • まゆ



    Arrived without making a reservation. Feel comfortable, I said, please, and went to the tatami room. It was nice to have children's toys too. The French toast was great!

  • m y

    m y


    It's a bit difficult to find, so we recommend using Google directions. From the Iizuka direction, get off at Hoki on National Route 200 Nogata Bypass and turn right. There is a slightly narrow road (although the visibility is not bad). Please make compromises when separating. After that, it becomes a residential area, so if you don't turn at the wrong place, you will get there. (Easy-to-understand signs are posted at the turns.) The building of the shop is a nice house in a residential area, but the blue letters stand out so you can easily tell that it is a cafe. The parking lot is diagonally in front of the store, and there is also a sign. There is also a blue swing so it is easy to find. There are plenty of spaces available, so you won't have to worry about parking. At the entrance, an iron dock greets you at the desk that was used at school, and it's cute from the entrance! There are also cute benches and chairs across the street. I think it can be used as a terrace on sunny days. When you open the door, you'll see handmade miscellaneous goods lined up.The interior of the store is based on wood and has the feel of an old folk house. Benches and school chairs are also used, which is cute. The decorations are stylish, from handmade items to antique cameras and sewing machines. For this order, I received the daily special set. The main dish was pork piccata, the meat was tender, voluminous and delicious. I'm happy to be able to eat small bowls, pickles, and other slightly different things. The salad had crunchy vegetables, and it even came with egg soup, making it a well-balanced meal. I had tea as a drink, and it even came with a mini dessert! The cold shiratama zenzai and the chewy shiratama are very satisfying. I had milk tea for tea. I was totally satisfied and had a blissful time. I think it's a very good cafe. It's a room at the back of the store, so you might not notice it much. I was wondering if it would be possible to move the ice maker to a place where customers can't see it. That corner was used as a storage room, so I felt it would be better to hide it from view or move it. I didn't have any problems with the seating situation, but visibility was somehow poor. I thought it was a waste because even the smallest details (chopstick rests and stirrer spoon) were made to look cute.

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