Koma w 横浜市




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒231-0011 神奈川県横浜市中区太田町5丁目68
kontakt telefon: +81 45-641-9786
strona internetowej: www.sushi-koma.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.4483795, Longitude: 139.6356357

komentarze 5

  • さとうりゅういち



    I used it to entertain a business partner while on a business trip. Dinner and course were available in the tatami room on the second floor. Everything I ate was delicious, but the sea urchin I had with the knob was especially delicious, and it was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten in my life. I will visit again when I go to Yokohama 👍




    It's a sushi restaurant with a great atmosphere that doesn't rotate. Beautifully arranged, fresh ingredients, both the appearance and the taste are amazing. The sea urchin was also rich and delicious. The konbu-jime flounder with karasumi mawashi was also delicious. It didn't fill me up, but that's how it is!

  • 曽屋剛和



    Koma-san, who I've been interested in for a while, went today. The store has a calm and elegant atmosphere, and the general staff, young people, and female staff all work hard and make you feel comfortable. Lunch was a little more expensive in this day and age than when I looked into it. However, I am very grateful that I can enjoy authentic counter sushi at a reasonable price even though it is lunch. The restaurant's atmosphere allows for entertainment in the evenings, and it would be a good idea for couples to take their partner out for a slightly more relaxed lunch. The taste is orthodox sushi, but the ingredients are fresh, carefully prepared, and very delicious. It's not too difficult to get into, but it's a good idea to approach it a little outsider! ️ postscript I'll be visiting again. Today I had ``Special Sushi (Nikiri)'' for lunch. Customers continue to arrive one after another as soon as the store opens. One piece of information. It is also possible to make reservations for lunch at the restaurant. It felt good and tasted delicious!! ️

  • okamo



    The food was fresh and the food was delicious! I used it on a date for Christmas dinner. It was my first time at a sushi restaurant, but thanks to Ikkyu's choice of course meals, it wasn't difficult and the delicious sushi came out one after another. The cold weather and tuna platter is especially great. It was also nice that the general spoke to me in a friendly manner.

  • Jin Yamazaki

    Jin Yamazaki


    Nothing special at this place. Mediocre at the best. There are thousands of sushi place just like this one over the Tokyo. So, Google or yelp to see price range and pictures and anything above 4.2 stars, then you are in good hands. Just hop-in and enjoy the sushi in Japan.

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