斗里屋 i Wakayama




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒640-8111 Wakayama, Shintōri, 3-chōme−19−19
kontakter telefon: +81 73-425-1515
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.2293247, Longitude: 135.1818143

kommentar 5

  • Winter Akina

    Winter Akina


    A long-established restaurant that prides itself on authentic yakitori. The air is filled with the delicious smell of yakitori. Also, the Kawaya Nankotsu is very delicious and goes well with alcohol! The restaurant also accommodates banquets and has access to the second floor, which is popular among a wide range of people. Perfect for those looking for a go-to yakitori restaurant! The store has a great atmosphere and the staff is very helpful!

  • N MO

    N MO


    It's a lively shop that is loved by the locals 👍😊 The staff's responses were pleasant and refilling drinks was very smooth👍🍺 The food was delicious too 👍 I will make a reservation when I go nearby 🫡

  • 渡辺和之(ナベカズ)



    I visited you on 20240613. We ordered based on the high reviews and received bottled beer (large bottle), cold sake, and highball. Everything is delicious! Thank you for the meal! I'm grateful that I can smoke.

  • kei_no_ WAKA MAP

    kei_no_ WAKA MAP


    . ⁡ ✩ Toriya ✩ ⁡ _______________⭐︎Order⭐︎________________ ✔︎Yakitori ¥180- ✔︎Tsukune ¥180- ✔︎Raft ¥180- ✔︎Triangle ¥180- ✔︎Chicken chicken ¥700- ✔︎Fried chicken with bone ¥850- ⁡ _______________⭐︎Impressions⭐︎________________ [Popular Yakitori restaurant in Wakayama City] [Chicken making and gross sashimi are recommended! ] ⁡ 【thoughts】 Kemuri Mokumoku type yakitori restaurant Creatures are popular, so making creepers and chicken breasts Recommended to go early/ Yakitori is stable and delicious Good store atmosphere with an old-fashioned atmosphere There is a wide selection of alcoholic beverages from beer to sake. This is a restaurant recommended for people who drink alcohol. ⁡ ⁡ _____________⭐︎Store information⭐︎______________ [Store name] Toriya [Address] 3-19-19 Shindori, Wakayama City [Time] 17:00-22:00 [Closed days] Sundays and holidays [Parking] Available (4 spaces opposite the store, second parking lot also available) [Note] Smoking is allowed in all seats [Instagram] @toriya_555 ⁡ ⁡ 𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠𓇠 #lism#Toro Waka#wakayamaselect#Wakayama Channel#Wakayama Gourmet#Wakayama City Gourmet#Wakayama Yakitori#Wakayama Yakitori#Wakayama Izakaya#Wakayama City Yakitori#Wakayama City Yakitori#Wakayama City Izakaya#Toriya#Wakayama Dinner#Wakayama City Dinner

  • Dan Animal

    Dan Animal


    Very friendly and delicious yakitori. Fabulous food and sake. I was surprised and delighted by the chicken liver sashimi. The sake was delicious and poured generously. The safety were lovely and friendly. The place clean and bright. Menu was only in Japanese so this may be difficult for some. I highly recommend you eat here if you are in Wakayama Shi.

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