Kochi Sunrise Hotel i Kochi

JapanKochi Sunrise Hotel


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2-chōme-2-31 Honmachi, Kochi, 780-0870, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-822-1281
internet side: kochi-sunrise.com
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Latitude: 33.5588433, Longitude: 133.5372828

kommentar 5

  • nora nora

    nora nora


    "One more step in many ways" The location is a few minutes from Hirome Market and close to a convenience store. There is also free drink service in the lounge. There is a parking lot and a bicycle parking lot in one corner (but only for a few bicycles), and you can get the necessary amenities in the lobby. The lighting in the room is a little dark. No other complaints. The biggest improvement request is the large bath. First of all, there is no trash can in the bathroom. Therefore, you must throw away the used toiletries in the trash can in the changing room. Also, the chair in the bathroom is so low that it's hard to see the mirror. There is only one high chair, but isn't this all good? And maybe I just didn't know what to wear inside the building, but they only had jackets. That's probably why everyone wore their own pants in the changing room. Also, the laundry room has one washing machine and one dryer, so you may have to wait. You also need to pay 100 yen to use the laundry, but there is no exchange machine in the changing room, so you have to go to the lobby. Also, there is no toilet in the changing room. There is one kind of food, but I have the impression that it is delicious.

  • 三木浩



    It is close to the downtown area, and there is a parking lot available for 800 yen. The twin room was spacious, bright and relaxing. On the top floor, the 9th floor, there was a men's bath, although it was small. Breakfast was a buffet style, but the staff were efficient and kind, and the food was delicious, including seared bonito. By the way, Izakaya and Hirome Market are also conveniently located nearby.

  • Caroline Ishii

    Caroline Ishii


    Good basic hotel in a great location

  • Godwin Kpor

    Godwin Kpor


    Best services ever

  • Julianne Streeter

    Julianne Streeter


    Comfortable hotel. Stayed over yosakoi and they were cry accommodating and friendly. The breakfast is expensive but the location is close to hirome and obiyamachi! There's lots of food available.

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